chiark / gitweb /
descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
ownerIan Jackson
last changeMon, 11 Jul 2016 14:17:59 +0000 (15:17 +0100)
2016-07-11 Ian JacksonChange grabs to always grab pointer GrabModeSync master
2016-07-11 Ian Jacksonxtrlock.c: Comment the keyboard/pointer_mode arguments
2016-07-11 Ian Jackson.gitignore
2016-07-11 Ian Jacksondebian/changelog: Bump version for experiments
2016-05-21 Matthew VernonChangelog for version 2.8
2016-05-21 Matthew VernonUpdate version number
2016-05-21 Simon TathamAdd -f option, to fork after a successful locking.
2015-03-07 Matthew Vernonchangelog for 2.7
2015-03-07 Matthew Vernonpatch from Chris Lamb to make builds reproducible
2014-01-08 Matthew VernonMerge tag 'release_2.6' into dgit/sid
2014-01-07 Matthew Vernonversion 2.6
2014-01-07 Matthew Vernonbuild-depend on dpkg-dev (spotted by lintian)
2014-01-07 Matthew Vernonuse hardening LDFLAGS (fix from Simon Ruderich)
2014-01-07 Matthew Vernoncheck return values of setgid and setuid
2014-01-07 Matthew Vernonxtrlock (2.6) unstable; urgency=low
2014-01-07 Matthew Vernonversion 2.5
8 years ago master