#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # $(srcdir)/build-aux/subdirmk-setup SUBDIR... # # generates # Subdir.mk.tmp # Makefile.tmp use strict; our $srcdir; our @subdirs = @ARGV; die unless $ARGV[0] eq '--srcdir'; die unless @ARGV>=2; shift @ARGV; ($srcdir, @subdirs) = @ARGV; our $root = [ '.', [ ] ]; # each node is [ 'relative subdir name', \@children ] sub build_tree () { foreach my $subdir (@subdirs) { my @path = $subdir eq '.' ? () : split m{/+}, $subdir; my $node = $root; foreach my $d (@path) { my ($c,) = grep { $_->[0] eq $d } @{ $node->[1] }; if (!$c) { $c = [ $d, [ ] ]; push @{ $node->[1] }, $c; } $node = $c; } } } sub target_varname ($$) { my ($var_prefix, $target) = @_; return $var_prefix.'TARGETS'.($target eq 'all' ? '' : "_$target"); } our $writing_output; our %output_files; sub close_any_output_file() { return unless defined $writing_output; O->error and die "error writing $writing_output.tmp: $! (?)\n"; close O or die "error closing $writing_output.tmp: $!\n"; $writing_output = undef; } sub o { die unless defined $writing_output; print O @_ or die "error writing $writing_output.tmp: $!\n"; } sub start_output_file ($) { close_any_output_file(); ($writing_output) = @_; die "$writing_output ?" if $output_files{$writing_output}++; my $tmp = "$writing_output.tmp"; open O, ">", $tmp or die "create $tmp: $!\n"; o "# autogenerated - do not edit\n"; } sub install_output_files () { close_any_output_file(); foreach my $f (sort keys %output_files) { rename "$f.tmp", $f or die "install new $f: $!\n"; } } sub write_makefile ($$) { my ($dir_prefix,$depth) = @_; print STDERR "write_makefile @_\n"; start_output_file("${dir_prefix}Makefile"); my $cd = $depth ? join('/', ('..',) x $depth) : '.'; o <) { for (;;) { unless (s{^(.*?)(\\)?(?=$esc)}{}) { o $_; last; } o $1; if ($2) { o $esclit; next; } s{^$esc}{} or die "$_ ?"; if (s{^$esc}{}) { o "$esclit$esclit" } elsif (s{^TARGETS(?:_[0-9a-zA-Z_]+)?(?=\W)}{}) { my $t = $2 // 'all'; o target_varname($var_prefix, $t); $targets->{$t}=1; } elsif (m{^(?=$caps_re)}) { o "${var_prefix}_" } elsif (m{^(?=$lc_re)}) { o $dir_prefix } elsif (s{^_}{}) { o "${var_prefix}_" } elsif (s{^/}{}) { o $dir_prefix } elsif (s{^=_}{}) { o $var_prefix } elsif (s{^=/}{}) { o $dir_name } elsif (s{^\^}{}) { o "\$(top_srcdir)${dir_suffix}" } elsif (s{^\}}{}) { o "\$(abs_top_srcdir)${dir_suffix}" } elsif (s{^(?:[ \t]+([~^]))?(?=[ \t]){}}{}) { my $prefix = !$1 ? $dir_prefix : $1 eq '~' ? '$(abs_top_srcdir)'.$dir_suffix : $1 eq '~' ? '$(abs_top_srcdir)'.$dir_suffix : die; my $after=''; if (m{([ \t])$esc}) { ($_,$after) = ($`, $1.$'); } s{(?<=[ \t])(?=\S)(?!\\\s*$)}{$prefix}g; o $_; $_ = $after; } elsif (s{^![ \t]+}{}) { o $_; $_ = ''; } elsif (s{^!(\pPosixWord+|\pPosixPunct+)[ \t]*}{}) { $esclit = $1; $esc = $esclit; $esc =~ s/\W/\\$&/g; } else { die "bad escape $esclit$_ "; } } } } sub process_subtree ($$); sub process_subtree ($$) { # => list of descendants (in form SUBDIR/) # recursive, children first my ($node, $path) = @_; use Data::Dumper; print STDERR Dumper(\@_); my $dir_prefix = join '', map { "$_/" } @$path; my $dir_suffix = join '', map { "/$_" } @$path; my $dir_name = join '/', @$path ? @$path : '.'; my $var_prefix = join '', map { "${_}_" } @$path ? @$path : qw(TOP); write_makefile($dir_prefix, scalar @$path); my %targets = qw(all 1); my @child_subdirs; foreach my $child (@{ $node->[1] }) { my @childpath = (@$path, $child->[0]); push @child_subdirs, join '/', @childpath; $targets{$_}++ foreach process_subtree($child, \@childpath); } start_output_file("${dir_prefix}Subdir.mk.tmp"); filter_subdir_mk($dir_prefix, $dir_suffix, $dir_name, $var_prefix, \%targets); my @targets = sort keys %targets; foreach my $target (@targets) { my $target_varname = target_varname($var_prefix, $target); print O <