descriptioncheckerboard animation
ownerTony Finch
last changeThu, 26 Nov 2020 00:06:25 +0000 (00:06 +0000)
2020-11-26 Tony Finchzip hilbert trunk
2020-11-25 Tony Finchcombine two middle phases into one longer more hilberty...
2020-11-23 Tony Finchmake hilbert structure more visible
2020-11-23 Tony Finchdo hilbert fades on a checker board
2020-11-23 Tony Finchfour interacting hilbert fades
2020-11-23 Tony Finchfade more nicely
2020-11-23 Tony Finchanimated hilbert curve, in parallel
2020-11-23 Tony Finchdraw a hilbert curve
2020-11-23 Tony Finchbuild a zip file
2020-11-23 Tony Finchcolours got accidentally inverted
2020-11-22 Tony Finchimagemagick runes
2020-11-22 Tony Finchanti-alias
2020-11-22 Tony Finchensure there are no off-by-one errors
2020-11-22 Tony Finchnearly there tho we have some off-by-one errors...
2020-11-22 Tony Finchgot the alternation working properly
2020-11-22 Tony Finchkind of an accident but this looks cool
3 years ago trunk