descriptionMandelbrot Movie software and talk.
ownerTony Finch
last changeWed, 10 Nov 2010 22:53:24 +0000 (22:53 +0000)
2010-11-10 Tony Finchmandelbrot.c: explicitly re-use an addition master
2010-11-10 Tony Finchmandelbrot.c: mathematical insights save a division
2010-11-10 Tony Finchmandelbrot.c: avoid stalling just above the quality...
2010-11-10 Tony FinchBetter variable names.
2010-11-09 Tony FinchAdd an orphan slide about the Mandelbrot distance estim...
2010-11-09 Tony FinchBetter markup layout.
2010-11-09 Tony FinchTweak header layout.
2010-11-09 Tony FinchAdd link to my home page.
2010-11-09 Tony FinchPut the image below the text.
2010-11-09 Tony FinchPut a pretty picture on the web page.
2010-11-09 Tony FinchTeX markup fix
2010-11-08 Tony FinchAdd a web page.
2010-11-08 Tony FinchA couple of post-talk fixes: correct date and add missi...
2010-11-08 Tony FinchAttempt and fail to fix ps generation.
2010-11-08 Tony FinchFinish notes.
2010-11-08 Tony FinchLots of notes
13 years ago master