Electronic money

Nicholas Bohm nbohm at ernest.net
Sun Dec 7 11:06:40 GMT 2014

On 07/12/2014 10:50, Ben Laurie wrote:
> [ ... ]
>     but my original question was not about Bitcoin for reasons
>     explained (it's not "electronic money").
> You have not really explained that, rather you have defined money in a
> highly debatable way and decided Bitcoin does not fit your definition.
> For me, its money: I can buy drugs and guns with it...

You can buy drugs and guns with other valuable commodities (e.g. gold)
whose value comes not from a promise but from a collective belief in
their value.  It's a somewhat arbitrary choice what to call "money" -
Francis can explain his choice again (you may have missed it at the
beginning of the thread).

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