DC4420 (Defcon London) Call for Speakers / Papers

Tony Naggs tony.naggs at googlemail.com
Sun Jun 9 17:39:04 BST 2013


I help organise the DC4420 meetings in London, and hope this may be of
interest to some people here.

1. Brief info about DC4420
2. Lightning Talks wanted for June 25th meeting
3. Call for Papers for meetings during the rest of 2013

Please note that I don't intend to regularly post about DC4420 here,
we have a mailing list, Twitter account & LinkedIn in group for
announcements about monthly meetings.

Cheers, Tony


Brief info about DC4420

This the London DEFCON group, some organisers & regulars are involved
with organising the DEFCON event in Las Vegas every July/August.

Our interests are geeky, including computer security, cryptography,
doing novel & cool stuff with gadgets, making things at hackerspaces.
Nearly everything that would be appropriate at Defcon in Las Vergas.

We meet monthly in a bar in London, our current venue is downstairs at
The Phoenix, Cavendish Square, nearest tube stop is Oxford Circus.

Admission is free, bar rules are over 18s only.

Talks start at 19:30 but we have the room from about 18:00 to kicking out.

Attendence varies, typically around 100.

The main rules are to be respectful to the venue & other attendees,
and to be quiet whilst the speakers are presenting.
Recruitment pitches need to be cleared first.

Meetings are on the last Tuesday of the month except December...
June - 25th
July - 30th
August - 27th
September - 24th
October - 29th
November - 26th
December - 17th

Twitter: @dc4420
Google Calendar:


Lightning Talks (up to 15 minutes) wanted for June 25th meeting

OK, you've got the whole weekend ahead of you to dig out that project
you *know* you've been dying to talk about but haven't quite got the
rough edges off...

This month we're doing our annual lightning talk session, and we
welcome any and all 15 minute submissions. In fact, don't bother
submitting them, just come along and give us what you've got!

There will be prizes! Probably hacking related, who knows? And some
stickers, obviously. And maybe a hard-to-get t-shirt or two...


Call for Papers for meetings during the rest of 2013

Our usual format is normally two talks: a primary 1 hour (ish) and a
secondary 30 minutes (ish).

This could be a great opportunity to practice a talk you will give at
a larger conference overseas, get a wider audience for reporting on
your InfoSec MSc or PhD research, etc...

We welcome first time speakers!

Please send proposals for talks (or other activities?) to talks at dc4420.org

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