[CompSecSem] Encrypted Email Provider Lavabit Shuts Down, Blames US Gov't - Slashdot

David Pick D.M.Pick at qmul.ac.uk
Thu Aug 15 12:39:48 BST 2013

On 15/08/13 12:31, Ian Batten wrote:

> <snip>
> The theory at the time was that upon entering office, liberal doves were
> taken into a room and given "The Briefing" about the alleged horrors from
> which the intelligence services allegedly keep us safe.  They emerged as
> full-blooded intelligence hawks, willing to give the agencies everything
> they asked for, and more.

...and none of them were willing to take the risk that there might be
a genuine failure of intelligence leading to a successful terrorist
attack for which they might be blamed (afterwards) because they resisted
surveillance which, if only it had been allowed, would *of course* have
prevented the attack. This is a consideration that only applies while
you're "in Office"...

David Pick
Network Security Manager, IT Services
Queen Mary University of London
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7882 7079
Mob: +44 (0) 7973 379 161
E-Mail: D.M.Pick at qmul.ac.uk

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