CryptoParty London, Sat 29th Sept, 6pm, Google Campus - learn basic, practical Cryptographic & Anonymity tools & techniques for free from experienced users

Watching Them, Watching Us watching_them_watching_us at
Thu Sep 13 22:34:25 BST 2012

Hash: SHA1

Dear All

Please circulate this invitation to come to this free event, where
expert users will share their knowledge, teach and mentor less
experienced people including beginners,about  some of the
increasingly vital Cryptographic and Anonymity software tools and
other techniques which are available.

CryptoParty London

Date: Saturday 29th September, 2012

Time: 6pm till 11pm

Venue: Google Campus

Google Campus: Ground Floor
4-5 Bonhill Street
London EC2A 4BX

This is about equidistant between Moorgate and Old Street Tube

Directions to Google Campus on Google Maps


This will be a free event, but you will need to register your
intention to attend, to keep within the capacity limits of the venue

N.B. currently there are registrations for nearly half the
available maximum capacity of 135

So please register quickly, before it is too late.

N.B. the use of the Google Campus venue does not imply endorsement
of CryptoParty London by Google and vice versa.

- -----------------------------

CryptoParty London contact details:


Twitter: @CryptoPartyLond
Twitter hashtag #CryptoParty

Email: info at

PGP Key ID: 0x8997F1B8

(you can learn about Public Key Cryptography at the CryptoParty)

- ------------------------------

A CryptoParty is *not* meant to be an event simply for technical
experts, it aims to educate journalists, campaigners, political
activists and the public in general about the basics of securing
the privacy of their internet and mobile phone communications.
Learn how to protect your confidential data, the identities of your
contacts and whistleblower sources, your trade secrets and
intellectual property, your financial transactions or just the
seemingly mundane day to day aspects of your personal life.

Many of the people who need to use such tools and techniques the
most, do not do so, because of their perceived difficulty and the
tendency of technical experts to get side tracked into jargon and
theoretical details, which are not relevant to most beginners.

That said, nobody is expert in all the tools and techniques that
are available and which may be necessary, depending on the
motivation and resources of the adversaries you face.

The CryptoParty meme started off in Australia this summer, after
they passed a Data Retention law, which is, by UK standards, fairly
restricted. There have already been CryptoParties in Australia, USA
and in Europe.

Here in the UK, on top of all the threats from organised criminals,
foreign spies and wannabe hackers, we face the prospect of the
Draft Communications Data Bill ("snooper's charter") and the vast
panoply of Labour's surveillance state legislation, which the
Coalition Government has still not amended or repealed as they
promised to do.

It will make it much easier for you to argue against (or even for)
this legislation if you have first hand experience of using some of
the tools and techniques which can be used to counter the
(untested) technology which the Home Office seems to be trying to
inflict on us again, just as they tried and failed with their
centralised national biometric database and ID Card scheme.



- ---- -  Spy Blog
blog at

PGP Public Encryption Key for blog at
PGP Public Encryption Key ID: 0x281EBE28
Fingerprint: 9F7A 3F39 BA97 0148 2A1C 65F2 BDAC 5BBB 281E BE28

If you are researching, or writing, or protesting about anything to
do with National Security, or Government spin and secrecy, you
should take some basic precautions:

Hints and Tips for Whistleblowers

Hints and Tips for Whistleblowers

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Version: Hush 3.0


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