Buckinghamshire CC ANPR cameras

John Wilson tugwilson at gmail.com
Fri Jan 6 19:17:10 GMT 2012

On 6 January 2012 18:57, Martin Hepworth <maxsec at gmail.com> wrote:
> Been around in Oxford for a few years for monitoring traffic flows around
> the ring road
> Would be nice to have this info under a common disclosure notice on county
> websites

For what it's worth here is the record of the Council's decision to
proceed http://democracy.buckscc.gov.uk/mgIssueHistoryHome.aspx?IId=20996&Opt=0

Here is a map of the whole project

The PIA report is quite interesting. They admit that they may have to
reveal the location of the Thames Valley Police cameras if presented
with an FoI request and suggest that they should claim they are
covered by the EIR rather then the FoI as this is less restrictive. To
give them credit there are a lot of good intentions as far as
disclosure is concerned in this document. The problem is that the
people tasked with implementing the disclosure don't seem to see it as
a priority.

My initial FoI request is for the location and operational status of
the cameras, the Memorandum of Agreement with their partners, their
data retention policy for the ANPR data and the technical details of
the "depersonalise" technique. The last one is probably going to be a
problem as I suspect there is no national spec for how it's done and I
bet their supplier won't tell them.

John Wilson

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