Does the US have juristriction over the whole world?

Roland Perry lists at
Sun Nov 27 11:03:52 GMT 2011

In article <91957FD74D91406EA2DA6F0603964B1D at MaryPC>, Mary Hawking 
<maryhawking at> writes
>Suppose Microsoft convinces the Australian government that the health
>records of Australian citizens would be safe wherever they chose to host
>them, what protection would the individual (or government if Data
>Controller) have against misuse or loss of their data, where would cases
>have to be pursued and under what country's (or countries') laws?

If data is kept within a country, then it's unsurprising that Data 
Protection Regulators feel they have more control over the situation 
than if it's offshore. (Where to a first approximation "the EU" counts 
as one country). And that control includes ease of access to both civil 
and criminal remedies, in the situation that everything doesn't go 
according to plan.
Roland Perry

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