[PATCH 7/7] Add a man page.

Ian Jackson ijackson at chiark.greenend.org.uk
Thu Aug 4 15:45:30 BST 2011

Richard Kettlewell writes ("[PATCH 7/7] Add a man page."):
> As it stands it is purely reference material - no conceptual or
> tutorial stuff whatsoever.

This doesn't seem to include the -m option you introduced earlier ?

Re "include" it would be helpful to mention that "include" is
newline-terminated and must not have a trailing semicolon.

Re path aliasing (since you've evidently just read the code): does the
first match have to match the whole path, or just the first element of
the target ?  Eg if you have
   sponge {
      inner {
        sponge = 3;
        something = sponge/inner;
do you get "something=3" or an error ?

In the built-in closures: are these all elements of the root
dictionary ?  Can they be redefined ?

You might want to add some text a bit like:

   Closures can be applied, during configuration, to arguments to make
   other values (normally, other closures).  For example, "adns" is a
   closure which takes a dictionary (containing configuration data)
   and returns a "resolver closure".

   Closures may also provide functionality used by other parts of
   secnet.  For example, a "resolver closure" is one which other parts
   of secnet can use to convert hostnames to network addresses.

   Most closures provide only one of these facilities.  A closure
   which can only be invoked during configuration to make other values
   is a "pure closure".


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