Fw: Proof of Concept - 'init-diversity' spins of Debian based distros

prowler_gr at yahoo.gr prowler_gr at yahoo.gr
Mon Mar 11 06:16:16 GMT 2024

I have posted a script in the MX forum that will get you 95% there, I just had to create/modify a few service files manually before creating the snapshot

On the contrary
The following script (posted in the antiX forum) will get you there 100% if you use the last official 23.1 sysvinit full releases:




if [ "$(id -u)" -gt 0 ]; then
    echo "You need to run as root or using sudo"
    exit 1

echo "disabling backports"
echo "# Debian Bookworm backports. Use with caution.
# deb http://deb.debian.org/debian bookworm-backports main contrib non-free non-free-firmware" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bookworm-backports.list
echo "updating package list"
apt update
apt dist-upgrade -y
echo "installing nala"
apt install -y nala
echo "installing compile tools to build s6 fron sources"
nala install -y git git-man lowdown xterm build-essential autoconf automake autotools-dev dh-make debhelper devscripts fakeroot xutils lintian pbuilder sbuild sbuild-debian-developer-setup crossbuild-essential-amd64 crossbuild-essential-i386 crossbuild-essential-arm64 dh-exec dh-runit dh-sysuser dh-buildinfo libselinux1-dev po4a dpkg-repack doc-base
echo "adding sample packages to test with s6"
nala install -y samba smbclient nmap xrdp dhcpcd xorgxrdp xserver-xorg-input-synaptics
echo "adding firewall rules for samba & xrdp"
ufw allow samba; ufw allow 3389/tcp; ufw allow 3350/tcp
nala install -y seatd slimski dialogbox runit-service-manager connman connman-gtk connman-ui
echo "adding Prowler's s6-rc/s6-66 experimental repo"
wget http://deb-s6-rc-66-init-experimental.duckdns.org:8080/--gpg-key/s6-rc-66-experimental-repo.gpg -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/s6-rc-66-experimental-repo.gpg
echo "deb http://deb-s6-rc-66-init-experimental.duckdns.org:8080/ experimental-s6 antix-s6
deb-src http://deb-s6-rc-66-init-experimental.duckdns.org:8080/ experimental-s6 antix-s6" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/experimental-s6.list
echo "update package list"
nala update
echo "installing experimental s6 - runit - sysvinit packages"
nala install -y s6 s6-doc execline execline-doc libexecline-dev libexecline2.9 skalibs-dev skalibs-doc libskarnet2.14 libs6-dev s6-rc s6-linux-init s6-portable-utils s6-linux-utils oblibs 66 66-tools boot-66serv libs6-linux-init-1.1 libs6-linux-init-dev runit-service-manager s6-rc-init s6-66-init lib-sysvinit-init runit-antix runit-services-full-antix getty-run bootlogd initscripts sysv-rc sysvinit-core sysvinit-utils remaster-antix
nala install -y s6-rc-services s6-66-services runit-full-core-services-antix runit-services-full-antix grub-multi-init-enabler init-diversity-tools s6-rc-service-manager
echo "enabling default runit startup scripts"
ln -sf /etc/sv/slimski /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/slimski
ln -sf /etc/sv/seatd /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/seatd
ln -sf /etc/sv/getty-tty1 /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/getty-tty1
ln -sf /etc/sv/getty-tty2 /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/getty-tty2
ln -sf /etc/sv/getty-tty3 /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/getty-tty3
ln -sf /etc/sv/connman /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/connman
ln -sf /etc/sv/udevd /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/udevd
ln -sf /etc/sv/dbus /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/dbus
echo "end of script"

Στις Δευτέρα 11 Μαρτίου 2024 στις 04:40:38 μ.μ. GMT+11, ο χρήστης Joost van Baal-Ilić <joostvb-debian at mdcc.cx> έγραψε: 

Γεια σας, ProwlerGr

On Mon, Mar 11, 2024 at 05:33:28AM +0000, prowler_gr at yahoo.gr wrote:
> Reposting links in plain text

Thanks.  Just managed to extract a link to a forum post from the html part of
your message, and found a link to
.  Nice work & thanks a lot for informing those not following the forums about
this!  Did you publish the scripts you used to build this iso somewhere?  Or
did you write it down somewhere?



> as my email provider stuffed the format:
> antiX respin forum discussions:
> https://www.antixforum.com/forums/topic/unofficial-antix-23-init-divesity-spin/
> https://www.antixforum.com/forums/topic/antix-23-1_init-diversity-edition-sysvinit-runit-s6-rc-s6-66/
> MX respin forum discussions:
> https://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?t=158542
> https://forum.mxlinux.org/viewtopic.php?p=766560
> Direct Links to respin isos:
> antiX:
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/antix-linux/files/Testing/
> https://archive.org/details/antix-23.1_init-diversity-edition_UNOFFICIAL_20240302
> MX:
> https://archive.org/details/mx-23.2-kde-init-diversity-edition-unofficial-20240222
> Kind Regards
> ProwlerGr
> Στις Δευτέρα 11 Μαρτίου 2024 στις 03:19:44 μ.μ. GMT+11, ο χρήστης prowler_gr at yahoo.gr <prowler_gr at yahoo.gr> έγραψε: 
> I'm not sure how many in this mailing list are following the work that is happening at the antiX forums, but I'm convinced that everybody in this list would be interested in the so called 'init-diversity' spins, and the inclusion of 2 different s6 implementations: s6-rc (by Laurent Bercot) & s6-66 (by Eric Vidal), which were not presented to any debian based distro before (gnuinos excluded):
> UNOFFICIAL antiX-23 “init-diversity” spin. – antiX-forum
> antix-23.1_init-diversity-edition – sysvinit / runit / s6-rc / s6-66 – antiX-forum
> We have achieved as a proof of concept to build a live image that has 4 options to boot from that don't interfere with each other.
> The concept is very simple, any init can be installed under a /usr/lib folder, their service files in relevant sub-folders under /etc, & finally grub is configured to recognise any available init under the /lib folders
> I have also since then produced an MX respin which more or less has 5 inits to choose from, with systemd included & utilised by each other init in the MX distro's spirit (which is similar to Debian's), just to broaden the scope & to prevent the perception that it is only a anti-systemd initiative, just because of the distro it derived from:
> [Derivatives][Unofficial Respin] MX-23.2 KDE 'init-diversity' Edition - Debian User Forums
> mx-23-2-init-diversity-respin - MX Linux Forum
> Technically if you try any of these respins you will find each init works independently from each other (does not try & hijack folders & files used by other inits).
> Debian can keep shipping with systemd (or any other default fully supported init) linked to '/sbin/init', & interested parties can continue supporting other inits with relevant init scripts or frontend unit files in locations which don't interfere with other init systems.
> Most users (myself included) do not mind using various systemd parts (or modules) on their systems.
> However more than a few (myself included) simply want something else running as PID 1, & this spin's concept is in the spirit to address this, which is in the spirit of the 2019 GR (at least to my interpretation of it), with a clear way forward & averting future flamewars & heated GR's.
> Keen on everybody's impressions & thoughts:
> ProwlerGr

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