orphan-sysvinit-scripts: should not contain tomcat9

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at qvest-digital.com
Thu Apr 18 17:42:44 BST 2024


I’m maintaining tomcat9 out of Debian these days (it got removed),
and a user complained about orphan-sysvinit-scripts offering a
different initscript for it.

Now the current state of the package is so that the initscript it
ships has been changed together with the rest of the package, so
it’s needed for a successful start with all permissions etc. intact.

In Debian proper, tomcat9 has been removed post-bullseye, and even
in bullseye, it had a hard Depends: systemd and worked only with
its user management dæmon and whatnot, so arguably it should never
have been present, but (almost certainly) bookworm and trixie/sid
should not have tomcat9 in o-s-s. Please drop it with the next up‐
load to sid at least (which will be backported, so only the users
of the not-updated bookworm package will still get it).

If there is a way for my package to flag to o-s-s (even in its old
bullseye version at that) so that the latter won’t bother the init
script from my package, please tell me.

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