Thread on debian-devel@ today

Mason Loring Bliss mason at
Mon Jun 19 21:50:09 BST 2023

I noticed this new thread today:

The rough notion is that ISC DHCP has reached end-of-life, so Debian needs
to replace it.

One of the participants in the thread suggested that the bigger question is
what network configuration system should be default, and then suggested
that it should be systemd-networkd, which has the obvious problem of being
tied to a specific init system.

I mention it so that folks will be aware of the prospect of people pushing
for systemd-networkd to be made default, thus throwing another hurdle in
the way of users controlling their systems.

Mason Loring Bliss          mason at          Ewige Blumenkraft!
awake ? sleep : random() & 2 ? dream : sleep; -- Hamlet, Act III, Scene I
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