Bug#998893: and collateral

Matthew Vernon matthew at debian.org
Tue Nov 30 17:29:48 GMT 2021

On 21/11/2021 22:48, Thorsten Glaser wrote:
> On Sun, 21 Nov 2021, tito wrote:
>> couldn't renaming the scripts in the orphan-sysvinit-scripts package
>> be a solution to solve this?
> I think that breaks user expectations and should only be a
> very last resort.

I agree.

> I think both the “cp”, which I cannot find in the binary package
> at all so where does it come from?, and the advice to “ln -s”,
> are wrong. It would be better to fix the process.

I _think_:

#tell ucf to forget this file
ucf --purge /etc/init.d/nftables

will fix this - is that right, Axel?



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