Bug#1001908: manpages-de: manpage of "shutdown" not up-to-date

Mark Hindley mark at hindley.org.uk
Fri Dec 24 08:13:56 GMT 2021


[Adding CC debian-init-diversity at chiark.greenend.org.uk]

Thanks for this.

On Thu, Dec 23, 2021 at 05:39:20PM +0100, Helge Kreutzmann wrote:
> In Debian we have the situation that some man pages are shipped by
> several packages. This is fine for the english versions, as there the
> alternatives mechanism takes care of this.
> For translated man pages this is not possible (at least currently), so
> as manpages-l10n we have to decide which upstream to follow. 
> Until now we chose System-V over Systemd. However, this bug report
> showed that this causes confusion and I will ask manpage-l10n upstream
> to switch Debian to Systemd as well.

I see that manpage-l10n upstream switching to the default init makes sense for
the majority.

> Since all other distributions we support already use the Systemd
> version, this means the translations we currently have we vanish for
> Sysv-Init users if nothing else happens. (#3 below)
> I can propose three courses of action, in the order of my preference:
> 1. Sysv core adopts po4a and includes the translation framework as
>    well as the translations (see below for the overview). I will
>    provide you help on this (in January), probably Mario (the upstream
>    maintainer of manpage-l10n) might give you some help as well. Then
>    the man pages will keep up to date (see rationale in 2) and more
>    translators / languages can be easily integrated, if translators
>    pop up.

Indeed, to me, this seems the cleanest solution in the long run. Thanks for the
offer of help.


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