NMU (delayed/14) to fix two init compatibility issues

Martin Steigerwald martin at lichtvoll.de
Tue Sep 15 21:11:00 BST 2020

Dear Matthew.

Matthew Vernon - 15.09.20, 19:44:02 CEST:
> Hi,
> These two related init compatibility issues haven't seen any activity
> recently, so I've uploaded an NMU (delayed/14) to fix them in line
> with the patches already posted; in the case of the init script I
> simply reverted your commit removing it.
> I attach my commits here, and I'll also be sending you an MR on salsa.

Thanks for this!

I read the reactions of Michael and can't believe this. It appears to me 
that he is not willing cooperate even a single bit at all. Without 
justification. I just maintain a package and am not Debian process who 
went through the new maintainer process, but from my understanding what 
it means to maintain a package, I'd not do this.

I made a not to test your change with the init script, but did not come 
to it. Anyway, reverting a patch that removes a init script should still 
produce a working package.

I am not commenting on the bug report for now as I am not sure it would 
be helpful what I would currently feel like writing there.


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