Introduction, Google Summer of Code Project - Systemd Unit Translator

Benda Xu heroxbd at
Sun May 17 07:26:38 BST 2020

Hi K Gopal,

K Gopal Krishna <mail at> writes:

> I'm Gopal and my proposal for the Google Summer of Code Debian Project
> "Systemd Unit Translator" was accepted recently. I have been
> communicating with Mo Zhou who, I realize is also a student in another
> project, pointed me to this mailing list to talk about the specifics
> of the project as well as specifics of discussion. My co-mentor is
> Benda Xu.

Welcome to the list!

You have forgotten the most important message: your primary mentor is
Adam Borowski (kilobyte).  Mo and I will be your co-mentors.

> Here's a little bit about the project. In the simplest of terms, this
> project could be seen as building a tool that converts syntax from (in
> most cases) a single file described in INI syntax to a shell
> script. Or if we were to break the parts, a systemd unit (service,
> socket, timer) getting converted into an openrc equivalent (shell
> script, xinetd, crond). Gradually, the other unit types will be
> covered once basic functionality parity is achieved.

Thanks!  We, especially Thomas (zigo), have wanted this feature for
years. I hope you will make a better set of tools for the community.

> You can find my proposal here
> ( which
> expands on my introduction as well as my understanding of the
> project. I realize that I have been rather late in my introduction and
> that an apology is in order. I'm sorry for the delay. I'd like to ask
> a few things though.  Would this mailing list be our official
> discussion channel? Do we need to decide on a time of the day for
> faster replies or do we spread things out? Do I communicate with my
> mentors directly or ask any questions or doubts that I may have about
> the project here?

The daily rules of the GSoC will be set by the primary mentor Adam.  I
will be fine with the decisions he makes.

For emails, some of them are more proper to be sent to this list and
some of them private to the mentors.  Please be sure Cc all your GSoC
co-/mentors in private email discussions.


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