Runit integration for additional services

Joost van Baal-Ilić joostvb at
Thu Jun 11 20:22:26 BST 2020

Hi Martin,

I'd _love_ to see more runscripts shipped with Debian; thanks for working on

On Sat, May 30, 2020 at 09:36:27AM +0200, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> I wonder: If I develop runit integration for some service, how to go 
> about it? My current idea is:
> 1) Copy the "ssh" one and adapt it. Taking the documentation into 
> account and test it. Preferably on more than one machine. I have two 
> laptops running thinkfan.
> 2) Adapt the package of the service in question in a new git branch and 
> test it.
> 3) Make a merge request for the packages in question at least when it is 
> on Salsa and hope that the maintainer will accept it. Tell the 
> maintainer I tested it.
> 4) Hope for the best.
> Any other approach?
> I would like to do this work in Debian, so Devuan maintainer don't have 
> to fork further packages for this or think of another thing to do. If 
> maintainers don't accept the test runit integration, then it may be good 
> to think what alternatives I have to proceed.

If a substantial amount of packages in Debian turns out not to be interested in
shipping (and maintaining!) run scripts, you might want to consider maintaining
and shipping a Debian package containing just run scripts for lots of
service-shipping packages.  Translated manpages are also maintained that way:
another area where some maintainers are not interested in taking care of merge

Also: The Void Linux distro (I have no connection to them) ships lots of run
scripts: they use runit exclusively, see .

I've just found one example run script at
( void-packages/srcpkgs/openssh/files/sshd/run ) .

I'd guess you could get some inspiration from them.

HTH, Bye,


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