Bug#975591: update-rc.d disable

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at tarent.de
Mon Dec 21 07:04:37 GMT 2020

On Mon, 21 Dec 2020, Tom H wrote:

> > It means “do not call this init script in any runlevel”,
> > which *ought* to be very obvious.
> "do not call this init script in any runlevel" can be understood as
> "kill it in any runlevel".

No, absolutely not, NO, NO, *NO*. *GAH!*

> But you want to disable an init script, start it manually, change

(or start the daemon manually without that init script)

> runlevels, and expect it to keep on running. I consider that a corner
> case because, by default on Debian, runlevels 2-5 are the same, so

They are not, they are just configured identically.

Also, don’t deviate from the point in question with irrelevent
details. If you must, imaging some kind of dæmon that handles,
oh, say a fuse filesystem.

> method. Like Bob P, I'd rather not have to deal with the unintended
> consequences of a change in API (of "remove" or "disable").

Looking at their descriptions, I agree. But a new facility
to achieve this is definitely needed.

> > (Curiously wondering whether systemd handles _this_ right…)
> If you disable a service, it can be started manually or as a
> dependency of of another service.
> If you mask a service, it cannot be started at all.

Not even by calling /usr/sbin/${foo}d? The problem here is that
these are terminated by the initscript, even if that was not used
to start them. I guess systemd can distinguish that but am not sure.
But that’s not the main point anyway…

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