Bug#971713: sysstat: init or systemd file has overlapping runlevels

Trek trek00 at inbox.ru
Mon Dec 14 19:53:23 GMT 2020

On Mon, 14 Dec 2020 03:54:28 +0100
Lorenzo <plorenzo at disroot.org> wrote:

> if you are searching in the source under /debian directory, the code
> that you are looking for will be written by dh-installinit in place of
> the #DEBHEPLER# placeholder, during the build of the package.

@Lorenzo oh yeah, many thanks :)

so the fix would be like the one attached to this mail

but reading the init.d script I see that it does not stop anything, so
an empty Default-Stop should be correct

what I really don't understand now it's from where those messages come

> insserv: Script sysstat has overlapping Default-Start and
> Default-Stop runlevels (2 3 4 5) and (2 3 4 5). This should be fixed.

running insserv on a script with an empty Default-Stop field does not
print this message, at least with buster and sid versions

reading the source, it could set an empty Default-Stop to the value of
Default-Start, but only when compiled with the -DSUSE flag enabled:


and this flag is not enabled on debian builds

> insserv: Script ssh has overlapping Default-Start and Default-Stop
> runlevels (2 3 4 5) and (2 3 4 5). This should be fixed.

this instead comes from ssh, that have an empty Default-Stop too

@Robert Luberda: I ran out of ideas, your script was correct with an
empty Default-Stop field, like the ssh one!

Actually I'm running a buster installation, but using the sid insserv
binary it does not show this issue, so I can't debug further for now

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