Bug#931867: /lib/init/init-d-script is sourcing /etc/default/* too late

Trek trek00 at inbox.ru
Sun Aug 30 17:28:32 BST 2020

On Thu, 11 Jul 2019 12:05:10 -0500
Justin Pasher <justinp at distribion.com> wrote:

> Moving it above the following block would ensure it's sourced first:

this is a chicken-egg problem: init-d-script sources /etc/default/$NAME
but $NAME is defined inside /etc/init.d/snmpd (that is $SCRIPTNAME)

init-d-script could be modified, for example to source at
first /etc/default/$(basename $SCRIPTNAME), but to retain backward
compatibility it should source also /etc/default/$NAME and it would
begin a sourcing mess with possible conflicts

i think the init-d-script sourcing feature is not really useful and the
right way to include variables it is to source the environment file
inside the /etc/init.d/snmpd script, like batmand does for example:


another possible way it could be to define DAEMON_ARGS directly
inside /etc/default/snmpd, but I don't know how well it will play with
other init systems


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