Bug#940034: libelogind0: replacing a core system library and conflicting against the default init considered harmful

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at tarent.de
Wed Sep 25 23:11:47 BST 2019

On Wed, 25 Sep 2019, Mark Hindley wrote:

> Thanks. Triggers may be an answer to the libsystemd soversion issue.

Mind that anything that runs between unpacking the new libsystemd0
and running the trigger will use libsystemd0 instead of libelogind0.

> > I don’t like this approach.
> In this usage case, I believe I have avoided this being a problem.

I really don’t like it and I believe contrary still, see above.

> The flow to
> switch to libelogind.so goes
>  1) symlink libelogind.so.0 to a temporary file.
>  2) rename temporary file to libsystemd.so.0 (I believe this is atomic).

It is, if the temporary file is housed under the same directory.

>  3) dpkg-divert libsystemd.so.0.26.0 out of the way so ldconfig can't find it.
>  4) Whenever ldconfig runs the manual symlink libsystemd.so.0 -> libelogind.so.0
>     is preserved.

The packages ship the symlinks as well though, so each and any update
of libsystemd0 will wreck them.

Oh… and, habe you considered Multi-Arch?

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