Bug#940034: libelogind0: replacing a core system library and conflicting against the default init considered harmful

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at tarent.de
Wed Sep 25 21:09:15 BST 2019

On Wed, 25 Sep 2019, Mark Hindley wrote:

> libelogind0 can be coninstalled with libsystemd0. However, it is fragile because
> the file that needs to be diverted out of the way is libsystemd.so.0.26.0 (the
> actual library file, not a symlink) otherwise ldconfig will still find it and
> create symlinks. However, AFAICS dpkg-divert doesn't accept wildcards and so if
> the minor soversion is bumped and a new version of libsystemd0 is installed, the
> new file is installed without a divert and ldconfig redirects the symlink.

Yes, this is not a good idea.

You could do with a trigger on /usr/lib/ and a wildcard-expanding
shell loop in postinst, which is also a tad fragile.

dpkg-divert also has a small period in which neither is available.
I don’t like this approach.

If it’s just for not switching by accident, the Important: yes
binary control field, which I mentioned in my other mail, is more

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