Bug#940034: libelogind0: replacing a core system library and conflicting against the default init considered harmful

Mark Hindley mark at hindley.org.uk
Sat Sep 21 10:45:46 BST 2019


On Wed, Sep 11, 2019 at 02:28:55PM +0100, Mark Hindley wrote:
> > I don't think it's reasonable to ship this package with C/R/P
> > libsystemd0.
> I understand that you don't like it. However, for libelogind0 to export the same
> symbols as libsystemd0 so that it could C/R/P libsystemd0 was the agreed
> solution to bug #923244.
> Do you have another suggestion as to how we could have resolved that? Other
> solutions were discounted at the time.
> > I think it opens you (and, more importantly, users) up to issues like
> > #934491.  Even if #935910 were to be fixed in the package manager in                                                                                      > bullseye, it would still mean libelogind0 couldn't ship with the C/R/P
> > until bullseye+1.
> I think it seems likely from discussions on #debian-dpkg that #935910 will be
> fixed in APT and #934491 can be addressed by adding Breaks: << fixed APT.

#935910 is now fixed in apt 1.8.4 in unstable and with that installed I can no
longer reproduce #934491. The APT maintainers have said that adding a Breaks for
the fixed version of apt is not useful.

I have tried the approach suggested by Laurent of using elogind with libsystemd0
and I could not get the sd-*(3) APIs to function correctly.

Are there any outstanding issues that you would like me to address to resolve
this bug?



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