Arguments for reopening #935304

Svante Signell svante.signell at
Tue Sep 10 20:40:14 BST 2019

On Tue, 2019-09-10 at 17:43 +0100, Mark Hindley wrote:
> Colleagues,
> Bug #935304 asking for libpam-systemd to relax its dependency on systemd-sysv
> was closed today as wontfix. A fix for this is required to make it possible to
> change from systemd to another init system smoothly without removing the
> Display
> Manager and many desktop components.

> I want to rehearse arguments for reopening and would welcome comments and
> criticism.

#935304 is already reopened and not yet closed. I just removed the wontfix tag
too. Please add your comments to that bug, and then we continue with a new bug
to the CTTE and notice the Debian PL too.

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