Bug#601054: Move /etc/init.d/.depend.* files under /var

Jesse Smith jsmith at resonatingmedia.com
Tue May 21 00:36:05 BST 2019

This has been done upstream and is now in the latest beta release [1].

Something I'm curious about is: what happens if /var is not mounted when
startpar runs? Let's say /var is on another disk, or mounted over NFS.
What then? I'm guessing some people are using a setup where /var is not
on the root file system, so what kind of fallback is in place to make
sure insserv and startpar work when their files are stored under /var
instead of /etc?

Another bug report against insserv suggested we use /lib/insserv/
instead of /var/lib/insserv/. Maybe we should switch the location before
the next stable release, since I'm pretty sure /lib needs to be part of
the root filesystem.

- Jesse

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