Bug#672361: bootlogd: escape sequences should be filtered out

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at tarent.de
Tue Aug 13 15:27:32 BST 2019

On Tue, 13 Aug 2019, Vincent Lefevre wrote:

> > When I run the file through "head" "tail" or "cat" the "[ ok" part
> > of the message line appears at the beginning of the text.
> just because text has been corrupted by bootlogd. That was *not* text
> that was sent the console as documented in the bootlogd(8) man page.

If you write FANCYTTY=0 to /etc/lsb-base-logging.sh things look as
expected. Otherwise, the control sequences *are* text written to the
console (just not directly by you, but by LSB stuff on your behalf).

I’m against introducing any kind of filtering here (what if the
problematic output is in those sequences, or the developer of the
LSB logging stuff wants to debug their stuff?), and would advice
that, instead, when bootlogd is enabled, it (automatically) sets
FANCYTTY=0 (maybe overridable, for the logging developer), or that
users are adviced, e.g. in a README, to set it.

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