pkg-sysvinit-devel mailing list, proposed closure/replacement

Jonathan de Boyne Pollard J.deBoynePollard-newsgroups at NTLWorld.COM
Thu Nov 15 10:07:14 GMT 2018

Ian Jackson:

> I am CCing the list pkg-sysvinit-devel at 
> which is currently listed as Maintainer for sysvinit in Debian. I 
> think we need to sort out our mailing lists and our repos. As for the 
> mailing lists, is a transitional arrangement 
> following the closure of alioth. It won't last indefinitely and so it 
> should be replaced. For primarily social reasons we have created a new 
> list debian-init-diversity at and I think that 
> would make a good replacement. I therefore propose that we close 
> pkg-sysvinit-devel and change the Maintainer field to point to 
> debian-init-diversity.
Andreas Henricksson:

> I have to start out by saying I think you've misunderstood this 
> gravely. You should probably try to clear your mind and start over on 
> trying to understand this.
> I'd also like to take the opportunity to fwiw object to the changing 
> of mailing list used in the Maintainer field. I happen to know from 
> experience that the alioth sysvinit-maintainers has people who have 
> deep sysvinit knowledge subscribed. By moving away from that list 
> you'll likely lose those people from potentially reading and 
> occationally comment on what's going on. Simply retracting into some 
> corner of the internet won't be doing the sysvinit package *in* 
> *debian* a service. You have everything to win by keeping clueful 
> people in the loop. Please feel free to use your other mailing list 
> for discussion with your peers, but keep the alioth list for official 
> debian business.
It looks like the January 2018 news about has 
not yet reached everyone.




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