Elogind v239.1 Devuan/Debian combined source

Mark Hindley mark at hindley.org.uk
Fri Nov 2 17:54:25 GMT 2018


I have been working on a combined Devuan and Debian packaging of elogind.

Starting with Andreas' great work for Devuan I have merged upstream v239.1 and
cleaned up some of the packaging to make it more suitable for, one day,
uploading to Debian.

I have removed the udev conflicting /lib/udev/rules.d/70-power-switch.rules as
reported here.

It builds on both Devuan and Debian and I can boot into xfce4 in a sid VM.

It requires more testing before merging with Devuan. Perhaps those who have seen
issues with the v234 versions would like to try and see if anything has been
fixed upstream.

Source is at https://git.devuan.org/LeePen/elogind/tree/debian_WIP



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