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13 Integrating GNU make

GNU make is often one component in a larger system of tools, including integrated development environments, compiler toolchains, and others. The role of make is to start commands and determine whether they succeeded or not: no special integration is needed to accomplish that. However, sometimes it is convenient to bind make more tightly with other parts of the system, both higher-level (tools that invoke make) and lower-level (tools that make invokes).

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13.1 Sharing Job Slots with GNU make

GNU make has the ability to run multiple recipes in parallel (see Parallel Execution) and to cap the total number of parallel jobs even across recursive invocations of make (see Communicating Options to a Sub-make). Tools that make invokes which are also able to run multiple operations in parallel, either using multiple threads or multiple processes, can be enhanced to participate in GNU make’s job management facility to ensure that the total number of active threads/processes running on the system does not exceed the maximum number of slots provided to GNU make.

GNU make uses a method called the “jobserver” to control the number of active jobs across recursive invocations. The actual implementation of the jobserver varies across different operating systems, but some fundamental aspects are always true.

First, only command lines that make understands to be recursive invocations of make (see How the MAKE Variable Works) will have access to the jobserver. When writing makefiles you must be sure to mark the command as recursive (most commonly by prefixing the command line with the + indicator (see Recursive Use of make).

Second, make will provide information necessary for accessing the jobserver through the environment to its children, in the MAKEFLAGS environment variable. Tools which want to participate in the jobserver protocol will need to parse this environment variable, as described in subsequent sections.

Third, every command make starts has one implicit job slot reserved for it before it starts. Any tool which wants to participate in the jobserver protocol should assume it can always run one job without having to contact the jobserver at all.

Finally, it’s critical that tools that participate in the jobserver protocol return the exact number of slots they obtained from the jobserver back to the jobserver before they exit, even under error conditions. Remember that the implicit job slot should not be returned to the jobserver! Returning too few slots means that those slots will be lost for the rest of the build process; returning too many slots means that extra slots will be available. The top-level make command will print an error message at the end of the build if it detects an incorrect number of slots available in the jobserver.

As an example, suppose you are implementing a linker which provides for multithreaded operation. You would like to enhance the linker so that if it is invoked by GNU make it can participate in the jobserver protocol to control how many threads are used during link. First you will need to modify the linker to determine if the MAKEFLAGS environment variable is set. Next you will need to parse the value of that variable to determine if the jobserver is available, and how to access it. If it is available then you can access it to obtain job slots controlling how much parallelism your tool can use. Once done your tool must return those job slots back to the jobserver.

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13.1.1 POSIX Jobserver Interaction

On POSIX systems the jobserver is implemented as a simple UNIX pipe. The pipe will be pre-loaded with one single-character token for each available job. To obtain an extra slot you must read a single character from the jobserver pipe; to release a slot you must write a single character back into the jobserver pipe. Note that the read side of the jobserver pipe is set to “blocking” mode.

To access the pipe you must parse the MAKEFLAGS variable and look for the argument string --jobserver-auth=R,W where ‘R’ and ‘W’ are non-negative integers representing file descriptors: ‘R’ is the read file descriptor and ‘W’ is the write file descriptor.

It’s important that when you release the job slot, you write back the same character you read from the pipe for that slot. Don’t assume that all tokens are the same character; different characters may have different meanings to GNU make. The order is not important, since make has no idea in what order jobs will complete anyway.

There are various error conditions you must consider to ensure your implementation is robust:

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13.1.2 Windows Jobserver Interaction

On Windows systems the jobserver is implemented as a named semaphore. The semaphore will be set with an initial count equal to the number of available slots; to obtain a slot you must wait on the semaphore (with or without a timeout). To release a slot, release the semaphore.

To access the semaphore you must parse the MAKEFLAGS variable and look for the argument string --jobserver-auth=NAME where ‘NAME’ is the name of the named semaphore. Use this name with OpenSemaphore to create a handle to the semaphore.

There are various error conditions you must consider to ensure your implementation is robust:

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13.2 Synchronized Terminal Output

Normally GNU make will invoke all commands with access to the same standard and error outputs that make itself was started with. A number of tools will detect whether the output is a terminal or not-a-terminal, and use this information to change the output style. For example if the output goes to a terminal the tool may add control characters that set color, or even change the location of the cursor. If the output is not going to a terminal then these special control characters are not emitted so that they don’t corrupt log files, etc.

The --output-sync (see Output During Parallel Output) option will defeat the terminal detection. When output synchronization is enabled GNU make arranges for all command output to be written to a file, so that its output can be written as a block without interference from other commands. This means that all tools invoked by make will believe that their output is not going to be displayed on a terminal, even when it will be (because make will display it there after the command is completed).

In order to facilitate tools which would like to determine whether or not their output will be displayed on a terminal, GNU make will set the MAKE_TERMOUT and MAKE_TERMERR environment variables before invoking any commands. Tools which would like to determine whether standard or error output (respectively) will be displayed on a terminal can check these environment variables to determine if they exist and contain a non-empty value. If so the tool can assume that the output will (eventually) be displayed on a terminal. If the variables are not set or have an empty value, then the tool should fall back to its normal methods of detecting whether output is going to a terminal or not.

The content of the variables can be parsed to determine the type of terminal which will be used to display the output.

Similarly, environments which invoke make and would like to capture the output and eventually display it on a terminal (or some display which can interpret terminal control characters) can set these variables before invoking make. GNU make will not modify these environment variables if they already exist when it starts.

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