Keyboard Shortcuts

Several of the folder and message operations have keystroke bindings so you can do much of your browsing with hands on the keyboard. You can browse and edit these bindings with the Commands entry under the Bindings... menu. The default bindings include:

Folder Operations

<Control-return>- Commit pending changes.
<Key-i> - Incorporate new mail into folders.
<Control-n> - page down folder table of contents.
<Control-p> - page up folder table of contents.

Sending Mail

<Key-f> - Forward current message or messages.
<Key-r> - Reply to sender of current message.
<Key-R> - Reply to sender and all recipients of the message.
<Key-c> -
Compose a new mail message.

Moving Among Messages

<Key-space> - Page down or select and display next message.
<Key-BackSpace> - Page up.
<Key-n> - Select next message and display it.
<Key-N> - Select next message, but do not show it.
<Key-p> - Select previous unmarked message
<Key-minus> - Select previous message, whether or not it is marked
<Key-P> - Select previous message, but do not display it.
<Key-dollar> - Select last message, but do not display it.
<Key-asciicircum> - (tilde ~) Select first message, but do not display it.
<Key-s> - Show current message.
<Key-U> - Select first unseen message in the folder.
<Key-F> - Change to next folder with unseen messages.

Deleting and Refiling

<Key-d> - Delete current message and advance to next message.
<Key-D> - Delete current message and select next message, but do not show it.
<Key-m> - Move current message and advance to next message.
<Key-M> - Move current message, advance to next message, but do not show it.
<Key-u> - Unmark. Undo a pending Delete or Refile.
<Key-period> - Automatically refile the current message.


<Key-A> - Interpret selection as a Sun Calendar Manager appointment.
<Key-g> - View selected URL in a browser window.
<Key-z> - Scan current message for URLs. They turn into buttons you can click to view the URL.

<Control-s> - Find next occurrence.
<Control-r> - Find previous occurrence.
<Key-question> - Display command binding dialog.

Keyboard Folder Selection

<Key-plus>- Enter folder selection mode. Each + toggles between Target and Change folder.

<space> does folder-name completion.
<Control-c> cancels folder name selection operation.
<Return> accepts folder name selection.

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