SUBT Definitions of error strings and numbers => &.Hdr.NewErrors OldOpt SETA {OPT} OPT OptNoList+OptNoP1List ; *************** PLEASE KEEP ERRORS IN NUMERIC ORDER. THE MGT **************** ; *********************************** ; *** C h a n g e L i s t *** ; *********************************** ; Date Name Description ; ---- ---- ----------- ; 29-Sep-87 SKS New FileSwitch errors. Removed 30-Sep-87 ; 01-Oct-87 SKS New FileSwitch kill error ; 06-Oct-87 BC ROMFS error(s) ; 08-Oct-87 BC ROMFS error(s) ; 09-Oct-87 NRaine Added Sprite_CantDoSystem error ; 09-Oct-87 NRaine Added Sprite_BadTranslation error ; 09-Oct-87 NRaine Added Sprite_BadGreyScale error ; 09-Oct-87 NRaine Deleted Font_BadScale error ; 12-Oct-87 BC ROMFS error(s) ; 14-Oct-87 APT Filing system special fields invalid on prepends to Oscli! ; 14-Oct-87 NRaine Added PrintNotFound error ; 19-Oct-87 PMF Intelligent Interfaces error allocated ; 19-Oct-87 BC Errors for Ports and Domains (Econet) ; 27-Oct-87 APT "No Such SWI" made non-dynamic, 2 RdArgs errors added ; 29-Oct-87 NRaine Added Sprite_BadSwitchParam error ; 29-Oct-87 APT BadRMHeaderField error ; 30-Oct-87 NRaine Added PrintBadDrawPage error ; 02-Nov-87 BC FileToBig added to ROMFS ; 02-Nov-87 NRaine Added PrintTimeOut error ; 06-Nov-87 NRaine Added Sprite_BadMerge error ; 10-Nov-87 SKS Added Logo errors ; 12-Nov-87 NRaine Changed Sprite_BadMerge error to Sprite_BadAppend ; 13-Nov-87 NRaine Added CantCancelQuit error (for quit handler module) ; 16-Nov-87 APT IRQ Device errors ; 24-Nov-87 APT Heap Locked error ; 25-Nov-87 NRaine Added WimpBadSyntax (validation strings) error ; 26-Nov-87 NRaine Added WimpNoTemplate error ; 26-Nov-87 NRaine Added WimpNoWimpPresent error ; 10-Dec-87 NRaine Added FontsInUse error ; 10-Dec-87 NRaine Added WimpInUse error ; 10-Dec-87 BC An error chunk allocated to 'Resource' ; 15-Dec-87 BC ROMFS error 'OffsetTooBig' ; 16-Dec-87 SKS An error chunk for MyoLink ; 22-Dec-87 NRaine Added BadPathElement and NoCurrentPoint errors ; 12-Jan-88 APT Added StackFull error ; 25-Jan-88 NRaine Added WimpBadPalFile error ; 25-Jan-88 SKS Added InvalidErrorBlock error ; 26-Jan-88 SKS Changed FileSwitch..Transient error ; 27-Jan-88 NRaine Added BadStrokeWidth error ; 28-Jan-88 NRaine Added Reserved error ; 29-Jan-88 SKS Added ErrorBlock_SoundSampler,FFT ; 2-Feb-88 NRaine Removed Sprite_BadSwitchParam ; 2-Feb-88 NRaine Added Sprite_BadPointerShape ; 3-Feb-88 NRaine Added WimpBadVersion (R0 invalid on entry to Wimp_Init) ; 03-Feb-88 SKS Added ErrorBlock_Arpeggio ; 08-Feb-88 SKS Added ErrorBlock_FontAid ; 08-Feb-88 NRaine Added WimpBadMessageSize and WimpBadReasonCode ; 08-Feb-88 NRaine Added WimpBadTaskHandle ; 09-Feb-88 NRaine Added WimpCantKill ; 09-Feb-88 SKS Added ErrorBlock_AlliedInteractive ; 17-Feb-88 TMD Added Sprite_CantInTeletext ; 17-Feb-88 APT Added chunk for shared library ; 19-Feb-88 NRaine Added WimpCantTask ; 24-Feb-88 BC+SKS Added DirNotEmpty ; 01-Mar-88 NRaine Changed WimpNoWimpPresent to WimpNotPresent ; 02-Mar-88 NRaine Changed WimpBadOp error message ; 02-Mar-88 NRaine Added WimpOwnerWindow error message ; 02-Mar-88 BC Added Remoted, twiddled around with exceptions / abortions ; 03-Mar-88 TMD Added Sprite_InvalidSaveArea ; 03-Mar-88 TMD Added Sprite_SpriteIsCurrentDest ; 07-Mar-88 NRaine Added WimpBadMode error ; 08-Mar-88 SKS Added CConcepts error blocks ; 18-Mar-88 SKS Added Shell errors ; 30-Mar-88 SKS Added FSFileTooBig error, amended OSCLI special error ; 08-Apr-88 SKS Added FileSwitchKilled error ; 11-Apr-88 SKS Rem'd FileSwitchKilled; added CantRMFasterFileSwitch error ; 11-Apr-88 APT More Intelligent Interfaces error ids ; 11-Apr-88 SKS Added AMSFinesse,Euclid errors ; 13-Apr-88 SKS Added UnknownSerialOp and some ASSERTs ; 21-Apr-88 SKS Added Sibelius errors ; 27-Apr-88 BC Added Syntax & BadCommand errors for FSCLI ; 04-May-88 SKS Added FAXPack errors ; 10-May-88 DJS Added Draw errors, removed old Draw errors ; 11-May-88 DJS Made wording of PathNotFlat error more generally applicable ; 12-May-88 DJS More Draw errors added ; 18-May-88 ??? Removed pre-1.20 changed. Added CED error chunk. ; 18-May-88 NRaine Added WimpBadTransfer error ; 20-May-88 TMD Corrected spelling of 'No room to insert row or coloum', ; changed Sprite_NoRoomToLoad to Sprite_NotEnoughRoom ; 23-May-88 NRaine Added WimpBadSysInfo error ; 27-May-88 SKS Added inconsistent handle set error ; 27-May-88 DJS Changed Draw errors for unimplemented facilities ; 30-May-88 DJS Added Draw error for overflow during transformation ; 01-Jun-88 DJS Added DrawNeedsGraphicsMode error ; 04-Jun-88 SKS Added IsAFile error ; 09-Jun-88 NRaine Added FontCantKill error ; 13-Jun-88 APT Added CallbackPending error ; 21-Jun-88 NRaine Added WimpBadPtrInR1 error ; 21-Jun-88 NRaine Change WimpBadSysInfo error (bad parameter passed in R0) ; 29-Jun-88 APT Removed CallbackPending error ; 30-Jun-88 APT Module too old, better RM not found ; 01-Jul-88 DJS Shortened some Draw error messages ; 19-Jul-88 SKS Added FileSwitchDataLost error ; 20-Jul-88 SKS Amended FileSwitchDataLost error ; 26-Jul-88 SKS Added AutoCue SWI chunk ; 01-Aug-88 BC Aded TypesDontMatch for NetFS ; 01-Aug-88 SKS Added WorldMap error chunk ; 05-Aug-88 NDR Added FontBadSegment (for outline fonts) ; 12-Aug-88 SKS Added BadFileType error ; 18-Aug-88 APT RAMFsUnchangeable ; 19-Aug-88 SKS Added 6502Emulator error chunk ; 30-Aug-88 SKS Added error chunk for Realtime Graphics Language thing ; 09-Sep-88 SKS Changed podule error strings ; 15-Sep-88 SKS Added DigiTape error chunk ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; A quick note: Bit 31 -> 'desperate' error, usually an exception ; Bit 30 defined to be clear ; Bits 29-24 sub-error indication, usually 0 ; Old Beebon errors ^ 0 AddError Escape, "Escape", 17 AddError BadMODE, "Bad MODE", 25 AddError IsADirectory, "Object is a directory", 168 AddError TypesDontMatch, "Types don't match", 175 AddError BadRename, "Bad rename", 176 AddError BadCopy, "Bad copy", 177 AddError OutsideFile, "Outside file", 183 AddError AccessViolation, "Access violation", 189 AddError TooManyOpenFiles, "Too many open files", 192 AddError NotOpenForUpdate, "Not open for update", 193 AddError ObjectLocked, "Locked", 195 AddError AlreadyExists, "Already exists", 196 AddError BadFileName, "Bad file name", 204 AddError FileNotFound, "File not found", 214 AddError Syntax, "Syntax", 220 AddError BadNoParms, "Invalid number of parameters", ErrorNumber_Syntax AddError TooManyParms, "Too many parameters", ErrorNumber_Syntax AddError Channel, "Channel", 222 AddError EndOfFile, "End of file", 223 AddError BadFilingSystemName, "Bad filing system name", 248 AddError UnknownFilingSystem, "Unknown filing system", ErrorNumber_BadFilingSystemName AddError BadKey, "Bad key", 251 AddError BadAddress, "Bad address", 252 AddError BadString, "Bad string", 253 AddError BadAliasString, "Aliased command is a bad string", ErrorNumber_BadString AddError BadParmString, "Bad character in parameter expansion", ErrorNumber_BadString AddError WildCards, "Wild cards", 253 ; Unfortunate clash AddError BadCommand, "Bad command", 254 ; Relocatable Module errors ASSERT @ <= &100 ^ &100 AddError NotMod, "This is not a relocatable module" AddError MHNoRoom, "No room in RMA" AddError RMNotFound, "Module '"":CC::CHR:0:CC:""' not found" AddError CantKill, "Module is currently active" AddError WimpCantKill, "Wimp is currently active", ErrorNumber_CantKill AddError FontCantKill, "Font Manager is in use", ErrorNumber_CantKill AddError BadModuleReason, "" AddError RMNotFoundInROM, "Module is not in ROM" AddError ModulePostfix, "'%' in module title" AddError NoMoreModules, "No more modules" AddError NoMoreIncarnations, "No more incarnations of that module" AddError PostfixNeeded, "Postfix not specified" AddError IncarnationExists, "Incarnation already exists" AddError IncarnationNotFound, "Incarnation not found" AddError ChunkNotRM, "Podule chunk is not a relocatable module" AddError BadRMHeaderField, "Illegal header field in module" AddError ModuleTooOld, "Module '"":CC::CHR:0:CC:""' too old" ; Variables errors ASSERT @ <= &120 ^ &120 AddError BadMacVal, "Bad macro value" AddError BadVarNam, "Bad variable name" AddError BadVarType, "Bad variable type" AddError VarNoRoom, "No room for variable" AddError VarCantFind, "Variable not found" AddError VarTooLong, "Variable value too long" ASSERT @ <= &140 ^ &140 AddError RedirectFail, "Redirection fails" AddError StackFull, "No room on supervisor stack" ; Expression errors ASSERT @ <= &160 ^ &160 AddError BadHex, "Bad hex" AddError BadExpr, "Bad expression" AddError BadBra, "Mismatched brackets" AddError StkOFlo, "Expression stack overflow" AddError MissOpn, "Missing operand" AddError MissOpr, "Missing operator" AddError BadInt, "String is not convertible to integer" AddError StrOFlo, "String too long" AddError NaffItm, "Unknown operand" AddError DivZero, "Division by zero" AddError BadBase, "Bad base" AddError BadNumb, "Bad number" AddError NumbTooBig, "Number too big" ; Heap errors ASSERT @ <= &180 ^ &180 AddError HeapBadReason, "Bad reason code" AddError HeapFail_Init, "Can't initialise heap" AddError HeapFail_BadDesc, "Bad heap descriptor" AddError HeapFail_BadLink, "Heap corrupted" AddError HeapFail_Alloc, "Heap Full" AddError HeapFail_NotABlock, "Not a heap block" AddError HeapFail_BadExtend, "No RAM for extending heap" AddError HeapFail_ExcessiveShrink, "Can't shrink heap any further" AddError HeapFail_HeapLocked,"Heap Manager busy" ; Vector claim/release errors ASSERT @ <= &1A0 ^ &1A0 AddError BadClaimNum, "Bad vector number" AddError NaffRelease, "Bad vector release" AddError NaffDevNo, "Bad device number" AddError BadDevVecRel,"Bad device release" ; Environment alteration SWI errors ASSERT @ <= &1B0 ^ &1B0 AddError BadEnvNumber, "" ; wally environment parameter number AddError CantCancelQuit, "Can't delete exit handler" ; Change dynamic area errors ASSERT @ <= &1C0 ^ &1C0 AddError ChDynamCAO, "Can't, application running" AddError ChDynamNotAllMoved, "Unable to move memory" AddError AplWSpaceInUse, "Memory in use" AddError RAMFsUnchangeable, "RAM filing system not empty" ; Oscli and other errors ASSERT @ <= &1E0 ^ &1E0 AddError OscliLongLine, "Too long" ; line too long for Oscli AddError OscliTooHard, "Expansion too complex" ; oscli ran out of buffers AddError RCExc, "Return code limit exceeded" AddError RCNegative, "Negative return code", ErrorNumber_RCExc AddError SysHeapFull, "System heap full" AddError BuffOverflow, "Buffer overflow" AddError BadTime, "" ; given by wally times in ticker SWIs AddError NoSuchSWI, "SWI not known" AddError NoSuchSWI2, "SWI name not known", ErrorNumber_NoSuchSWI AddError UnImplemented, "This function or procedure unimplemented" AddError OutOfRange, "SWI value out of range for this Module" AddError NoOscliSpecials, "Special field not allowed in filing system prefix to OS_CLI" AddError BadParameters, "Bad parameters" AddError ArgRepeated, "Argument repeated" ; Font errors ASSERT @ <= &200 ^ &200 AddError FontNoRoom, "Not enough room for Font cache" AddError FontCacheFull, "Font cache full" AddError FontNoCache, "No font cache present" AddError FontTooLong, "String too long" AddError Font64K, "Font definition too large" AddError FontPalTooBig, "Pseudo-palette colour too big" AddError FontBadTranBits, "Invalid number of output bits" AddError FontNotEnoughBits, "Not enough bits per pixel in this mode" AddError FontNoFont, "Undefined font" AddError FontNoPixels, "No pixel data for this font" AddError FontBadFontNumber, "Illegal font number" AddError FontNotFound, "Font not found" AddError FontBadFontFile, "Illegal font file" AddError FontNoHandles, "No more font handles" AddError FontBadCounter, "Fonts must be read sequentially" AddError FontBadCtrlChar, "Illegal control character in font string" AddError FontsInUse, "Font manager in use" AddError FontBadSegment, "Illegal line segment in outline font" ; Wimp errors ASSERT @ <= &280 ^ &280 AddError WimpNoClaim, "Wimp unable to claim work area" AddError WimpBadOp, "Invalid Wimp operation in this context" AddError WimpRectFull, "Rectangle area full" AddError WimpTooMany, "Too many windows" AddError WimpTooBig, "Window definition won't fit" AddError WimpDivBy0, "Division by zero" AddError WimpGetRect, "Get_Rectangle not called correctly" AddError WimpFocus, "Input focus window not found" AddError WimpBadHandle, "Illegal window handle" AddError WimpTooMenus, "Too many menus" AddError WimpBadExtent, "Bad work area extent" AddError WimpBadPointer, "Syntax: *POINTER <0|1|2>" AddError WimpNoTemplateFile,"Template file not found" AddError WimpBadTemplate, "Template entry invalid" AddError WimpBadFonts, "Unable to bind font handle" AddError WimpBadSyntax, "Syntax error in validation string" AddError WimpNoTasks, "Too many tasks" AddError WimpNoTemplate, "Template entry not found" AddError WimpNotPresent, "Window manager not present / too old" AddError WimpInUse, "Window manager in use" AddError WimpBadPalFile, "Error in palette file" AddError WimpBadVersion, "Bad version number passed to Wimp_Initialise" AddError WimpBadMessageSize,"Message block is too big / not a multiple of 4" AddError WimpBadReasonCode, "Illegal reason code given to SendMessage" AddError WimpBadTaskHandle, "Illegal task handle" AddError WimpCantTask, "Can't start task from here" AddError WimpBadSubMenu, "Submenus require a parent menu tree" AddError WimpOwnerWindow, "Access to window denied" AddError WimpBadMode, "Bad Wimp mode" AddError WimpBadTransfer, "Wimp transfer out of range" AddError WimpBadSysInfo, "Bad parameter passed to Wimp in R0" AddError WimpBadPtrInR1, "Bad pointer passed to Wimp in R1" ; Convert date and time errors ASSERT @ <= &2C0 ^ &2C0 AddError CDATStackOverflow, "Stack overflow" AddError CDATBufferOverflow, "Buffer overflow" AddError CDATBadField, "Unknown '%' field" ; Econet errors ASSERT @ <= &300 ^ &300 AddError TxReady, "Tx ready" AddError Transmitting, "Transmitting" AddError RxReady, "Receive block open" AddError Receiving, "Receiving" AddError Received, "Received" AddError Transmitted, "Transmitted OK" AddError BadStation, "Bad station number" AddError BadNetwork, "Bad network number" AddError UnableToDefault, "Full network address required" ; For higher levels AddError BadPort, "Bad port number" AddError BadControl, "Bad control byte value" AddError BadBuffer, "Bad buffer address" AddError BadSize, "Bad buffer size" AddError BadMask, "Bad mask" AddError BadCount, "Bad count" AddError BadDelay, "Bad delay" AddError BadStatus, "Bad status" AddError NoHardware, "No Econet hardware" AddError NoEconet, "No 'Econet' installed" ; For higher levels AddError NoMoreDomains, "No more domains" AddError BadDomain, "Bad domain number" AddError UnRegisteredDomain, "Unknown domain" AddError PortNotAllocated, "Port not already allocated" AddError PortAllocated, "Port not unallocated" AddError NoMorePorts, "All ports allocated" ; Some bodges AddError NetError1, "Net error 1", ErrorNumber_NetError AddError NetError2, "Net error 2", ErrorNumber_NetError AddError NetError3, "Net error 3", ErrorNumber_NetError ASSERT @ <= &340 ^ &340 ; Loaded Econet transients AddError SetStationSyntax, "Syntax: *SetStation ", ErrorNumber_Syntax AddError SetStationFails, "Fails to update configuration memory" AddError GetRegsSyntax, "Syntax: *GetRegs ", ErrorNumber_Syntax ; Errors with the bottom byte forced for compatability AddError NotPresent, "Not present", &38A AddError NotPresent1, "Station ", ErrorNumber_NotPresent AddError NotPresent2, " not present", ErrorNumber_NotPresent AddError LineJammed, "Line jammed", &3A0 AddError NetError, "Net error", &3A1 AddError NotListening, "Not listening", &3A2 AddError NotListening1, "Station ", ErrorNumber_NotListening AddError NotListening2, " not listening", ErrorNumber_NotListening AddError NoClock, "No clock", &3A3 AddError NoReply, "No reply", &3A5 AddError NoReply1, "No reply from station ", ErrorNumber_NoReply AddError NoReply2, "", ErrorNumber_NoReply AddError BadEconetHandle, "Bad handle", &3DE ; FileSwitch errors ASSERT @ <= &400 ^ &400 AddError FileSwitchNoClaim, "Unable to claim FileSwitch workspace" AddError BadFSControlReason, "Bad FSControl call" AddError BadOSFileReason, "Bad OSFile call" AddError BadOSArgsReason, "Bad OSArgs call" AddError BadOSGBPBReason, "Bad OSGBPB call" AddError BadModeForOSFind, "Bad mode for OSFind" AddError NoRoomForTransient, "No room to run transient" AddError ExecAddrNotInCode, "Execution address not within code" AddError ExecAddrTooLow, "Code runs too low" AddError UnknownActionType, "No action specified for this file type" AddError TooManyLevels, "Too many levels" AddError NoSelectedFilingSystem, "No selected filing system" AddError CantRemoveFSByNumber, "Can't remove filing system by number" AddError UnalignedFSEntry, "Unaligned filing system entry point" AddError UnsupportedFSEntry, "Filing system does not support this operation" AddError FSNotSpecial, "Filing system does not support special fields" AddError CoreNotReadable, "No readable memory at this address" AddError CoreNotWriteable, "No writeable memory at this address" AddError BadBufferSizeForStream, "Bad buffer size" AddError NotOpenForReading, "Not open for reading" AddError NotEnoughStackForFSEntry, "Not enough stack to call filing system" AddError NothingToCopy, "Nothing to copy" AddError NothingToDelete, "Nothing to delete" AddError FileSwitchCantBeKilledWhilstThreaded, "FileSwitch can not be killed whilst it is threaded" AddError InvalidErrorBlock, "Invalid error block" AddError FSFileTooBig, "File too big" ; Clashed with ROMFS FileTooBig AddError CantRMFasterFileSwitch, "Can't RMFaster FileSwitch" AddError InconsistentHandleSet, "Inconsistent handle set" AddError IsAFile, "Object is a file" AddError BadFileType, "Bad file type" AddError FileSwitchDataLost, "Data lost", &4AC ; Consistent with ADFS ^ &4F8 ; So high up as to avoid clashes with normal filing system errors ; The following errors are to be used by all filing systems, the bottom byte ; is the only significant part AddError NotSupported_Pre, "Bad operation on ", @ :AND: &FF AddError NotSupported_Post, ":" AddError FSWriteOnly_Pre, "", @ :AND: &FF AddError FSWriteOnly_Post, ": is a write only filing system" AddError FSReadOnly_Pre, "", @ :AND: &FF AddError FSReadOnly_Post, ": is a read only filing system" ; They should be used as follows; ; ALIGN ; DCD &00010000 + &100*MyFilingSystemNumber + ErrorNumber_NotSupported_Pre ; DCB ErrorString_NotSupported_Pre ; DCB String_MyFilingSystemName ; DCB ErrorString_NotSupported_Post ; DCB 0 ; Podule manager errors ASSERT @ <= &500 ^ &500 AddError BadPodule, "Bad podule number" AddError BadSpeed, "Bad access speed" AddError NoPodule, "No installed podule" AddError NotExtended, "Podule identity is not extended" AddError NotAcorn, "Podule is not 'Acorn'" AddError NoLoader, "No loader to call" AddError InLoader, "Unknown error in loader" AddError BadChunk, "Bad chunk number" AddError BadDeviceNumber, "Bad device number" AddError BadDeviceType, "Bad device type" AddError RAMConfigSyntax, "Syntax: *RAMConfig [ []]", ErrorNumber_Syntax AddError WrongPoduleType, "Wrong podule type" AddError ROMBoardSyntax, "Syntax: *Configure ROMBoard []", ErrorNumber_Syntax ; Errors generated by podule loaders ASSERT @ <= &580 ^ &580 AddError NotWriteable, "This podule doesn't support writeable devices" AddError AddressRange, "Address out of range for podule" AddError DeviceNotWriteable, "This device not writeable" AddError PoduleReadOnly, "Read only device" AddError AddressTooBig, "Address too big" ; Printer Driver ASSERT @ <= &5C0 ^ &5C0 AddError PrintNoFills, "Area fill not allowed" AddError PrintNoGCOL, "Only GCOL 0,n type plotting allowed" AddError PrintNoBlockCopy, "Block copy not allowed" AddError PrintBadPrinter, "Use SWI StartJob/EndJob instead" AddError PrintNoTextMode, "No VDU 4-type printing" AddError PrintNoModeChanges, "Can't change mode here" AddError PrintBadFontName, "Printer can't support this font" AddError PrintBadBox, "Output is off the page!" AddError PrintNotPortrait, "This version can only do portrait printing" AddError PrintBadSpriteOp, "Printer driver can't handle this SpriteOp" AddError PrintBadDrawPage, "Bad call to Print_DrawPage/NextRectangle" AddError PrintTimeOut, "Printer timeout" ; General OS errors ASSERT @ <= &600 ^ &600 AddError CantStartApplication, "Unable to start application" AddError BadCommandOption, "Bad command option" AddError UnknownSerialOp, "Unknown serial operation" ; International errors ASSERT @ <= &640 ^ &640 AddError UnknownAlphabet, "Unknown alphabet" AddError UnknownCountry, "Unknown country" AddError UnknownKeyboard, "Unknown keyboard" ; Sprite errors ASSERT @ <= &700 ^ &700 AddError Sprite_NoWorkSpace, "No sprite memory", 128 AddError Sprite_NoRoom, "No room to get sprite", 130 AddError Sprite_DoesntExist, "Sprite doesn't exist", 134 AddError Sprite_NoSprites, "No sprites", 131 AddError Sprite_NotGraphics, "Not a graphics mode", 129 AddError Sprite_CantOpenFile, "Can't open file", 133 AddError Sprite_NotEnoughRoom, "Not enough room", 133 AddError Sprite_WSClaimFailed, "Sprite workspace claim failed" AddError Sprite_NoRoomToMerge, "Not enough room to add sprite" AddError Sprite_Crap2ndPtr, "Bad 2nd ptr" AddError Sprite_InvalidRowOrCol, "Invalid row or column" AddError Sprite_InvalidHeight, "Invalid height" AddError Sprite_InvalidWidth, "Invalid width" AddError Sprite_NoRoomToInsert, "No room to insert row or column" AddError Sprite_SpriteAlreadyExists, "Sprite already exists" AddError Sprite_InvalidSpriteMode, "Invalid sprite mode" AddError Sprite_BadReasonCode, "Bad sprite reason code" AddError Sprite_CantDoSystem, "System sprites not allowed here" AddError Sprite_BadTranslation, "Bad colour translation table" AddError Sprite_BadGreyScale, "Grey-scale only does 16 colours" AddError Sprite_BadPointerShape, "Unsuitable sprite for SetPointerShape" AddError Sprite_BadAppend, "Can't append sprite" AddError Sprite_CantInTeletext, "Can't switch output in teletext mode" AddError Sprite_InvalidSaveArea, "Invalid save area" AddError Sprite_SpriteIsCurrentDest, "Sprite is current destination" ; Debugger errors ASSERT @ <= &800 ^ &800 AddError Debug_BreakNotFound, "Breakpoint not found" AddError Debug_InvalidValue, "Invalid value" AddError Debug_Resetting, "Resetting breakpoint" AddError Debug_NoRoom, "No room in breakpoint table" AddError Debug_NoBreakpoints, "No breakpoints set" AddError Debug_BadBreakpoint, "Bad breakpoint" AddError Debug_Undefined, "Undefined breakpoint" AddError Debug_NonAligned, "Unaligned address" AddError Debug_NoWorkspace, "No room for debug module workspace" ; BBC IO podule errors ASSERT @ <= &880 ^ &880 AddError NoHardwareAddress, "Unable to start without hardware address" ; ShellCLI module errors ASSERT @ <= &900 ^ &900 AddError ShellCreation, "Cannot create a new shell" AddError ShellRemoval, "Cannot remove current shell" ; Draw module errors ASSERT @ <= &980 ^ &980 AddError NoDrawInIRQMode, "" ;Stuart says no point in having a string! AddError BadDrawReasonCode, "Bad Draw_ProcessPath reason code" AddError ReservedDrawBits, "Reserved bits not zero" AddError InvalidDrawAddress, "Invalid address" AddError BadPathElement, "Bad path element" AddError BadPathSequence, "Path elements out of order" AddError MayExpandPath, "Operation may change path length" AddError PathFull, "Output path full" AddError PathNotFlat, "Path needs to be flattened" AddError BadCapsOrJoins, "Invalid cap and join specification" AddError TransformOverflow, "Overflow while transforming point" AddError DrawNeedsGraphicsMode, "Draw can only plot to graphics modes" ; The following Draw errors is used for all unimplemented Draw facilities ASSERT @ <= &9FF ^ &9FF AddError UnimplementedDraw, "Facility not in this version of Draw" ASSERT @ = &A00 ; Filing System errors should be &01nnxx where nn is the Filing System number ; ROMFS errors ASSERT @ <= &10300 ^ &00010300 ; fs 3 AddError FileTooBig, "File too big for device(s)" AddError OffsetTooBig, "Offset too big for device" ; Errors with the bottom byte forced for compatability AddError IsAROMFSDirectory, $ErrorString_IsADirectory, &103A8 AddError OutsideROMFSFile, $ErrorString_OutsideFile, &103B7 AddError ROMFSFileAlreadyOpen, "Only one file open at a time", &103C0 AddError BadROMFSOption, "Bad option value", &103CB AddError ROMFSFileNotFound, $ErrorString_FileNotFound, &103D6 AddError BadROMFSHandle, "Bad handle", &103DE ; NetFS errors ASSERT @ <= &10500 ^ &00010500 ; fs 5 AddError BadName, "Bad file server name" AddError BadCommandCode, "Bad file server command code" AddError UnexpectedCommandCode, "Unexpected file server command code" AddError UnknownFunctionCode, "Unknown function code" AddError UnknownStationName, "Unknown station name" AddError UnknownStationNumber, "Unknown station number" AddError StationNotFound, "Station name not found" AddError FileServerNameTooLong, "File server name too long" ; These errors are grouped here with the filing system ones since ; they are errors associated with filing system specific transients ASSERT @ <= &10540 ^ &00010540 ; fs 5 (Loaded NetFS transient errors) AddError SetFreeSyntax, "Syntax: *SetFree ", ErrorNumber_Syntax AddError FSCLISyntax, "Syntax: *FSCLI ", ErrorNumber_Syntax ; Errors with the bottom byte forced for compatability AddError BadNetRename, $ErrorString_BadRename, &10500 + ErrorNumber_BadRename AddError DirectoryNotEmpty, "Directory not empty", &105B4 AddError NotLoggedOn, "Not logged on", &105BF AddError NetFSTypesDontMatch, $ErrorString_TypesDontMatch, &10500 + ErrorNumber_TypesDontMatch AddError BadNetFSOption, "Bad option value", &105CB AddError BadNetFSHandle, "Bad handle", &10500 + ErrorNumber_Channel AddError BadFSCLICommand, "Unknown file server command", &10500 + ErrorNumber_BadCommand ; ADFS errors ASSERT @ <= &10800 ^ &00010800 ; fs 8 ; VFS errors ASSERT @ <= &10A00 ^ &00010A00 ; fs 10 ; NetPrint errors ASSERT @ <= &10C00 ^ &00010C00 ; fs 12 AddError PrinterServerNameTooLong, "Printer server name too long" AddError SingleStream, "This printer server doesn't support multiple streams" AddError AllPrintersBusy, "No free printer server of this type" AddError NetPrinterOffLine, "Printer offline" ; Errors with the bottom byte forced for compatability AddError NetPrinterBusy, "Printer busy", &10CA6 AddError NetPrinterJammed, "Printer jammed", &10CA7 AddError BadNetPrintHandle, "Bad handle", &10CDE ASSERT @ <= &10D00 ^ &00010D00 ; fs 13 AddError BadNullOp, "Bad operation on null:" ASSERT @ <= &10E00 ^ &00010E00 ; fs 14 AddError BadPrinterOp, "Bad operation on printer:" AddError PrinterInUse, "printer: in use" AddError UKPrinterType, "Unknown printer type" ASSERT @ <= &10F00 ^ &00010F00 ; fs 15 AddError BadSerialOp, "Bad operation on serial:" AddError SerialInUse, "serial: in use" ASSERT @ <= &11100 ^ &00011100 ; fs 17 AddError BadVduOp, "Bad operation on vdu:" ASSERT @ <= &11200 ^ &00011200 ; fs 18 AddError BadRawVduOp, "Bad operation on rawvdu:" ASSERT @ <= &11300 ^ &00011300 ; fs 19 AddError BadKbdOp, "Bad operation on kbd:" ASSERT @ <= &11400 ^ &00011400 ; fs 20 AddError BadRawKbdOp, "Bad operation on rawkbd:" ; DeskFS errors ASSERT @ <= &11500 ^ &00011500 ; fs 21 AddError DeskNotSupported, "Bad operation on DeskFS:" ; Sound system errors ASSERT @ <= &20000 ^ &00020000 ; Sound Level 0 OSCLI command errors AddError BadSoundParameter,"Bad sound command parameter" AddError BadSoundChannel,"Bad sound channel number" AddError BadSoundStereo,"Bad sound stereo position" AddError BadSoundIRQClaim,"Sound Level0 failed to claim IRQ vector" ; Sound Level 1 only (share some Level 0) AddError BadSound1Init,"Unable to claim sufficient Sound Level 1 heap space" AddError BadSoundVoice,"Bad sound voice" ; Sound Level 2 only (share some Level 0) AddError BadSound2Init,"Unable to claim sufficient Sound Level 2 heap space" ; Voices AddError BadVoiceInit,"Unable to claim sufficient Sound Voice heap space" ; SCSI driver errors ASSERT @ <= &20100 ^ &00020100 AddError SCSI_FailClaim,"SCSI failed to allocate required RAM at initialise" AddError SCSI_IDLost,"The SBIC has lost it's SCSI ID" AddError SCSI_SBICBusy,"The SBIC is busy performing a command" AddError SCSI_PanicMess,"Panic - the SBIC has lost track of things" AddError SCSI_CheckAux,"Check Aux register" AddError SCSI_MegaText,"An error or situation that is undefined has occurred" ; VideoCommands errors ASSERT @ <= &20200 ^ &00020200 AddError Video_FailClaim,"Video failed to claim its workspace" AddError Video_BadVpError,"Parameter to VP must be 1 to 5 or X" AddError Video_BadFcodeError,"Bad f-code" AddError Video_BadSpeedError,"Bad speed parameter" ; IIC errors ASSERT @ <= &20300 ^ &00020300 AddError IIC_NoAcknowledge,"No acknowledge from IIC device" ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; Exceptions and Abortions ^ &80000000 ; All start with a 0 in the bottom byte ErrorBase_MachineExceptions # &100 ErrorBase_CoProc0 # &100 ErrorBase_FloatingPoint # &100 ErrorBase_EconetExceptions # &100 ^ ErrorBase_MachineExceptions AddError UndefinedInstruction, "Undefined instruction at &" AddError InstructionAbort, "Abort on instruction fetch at &" AddError DataAbort, "Abort on data transfer at &" AddError AddressException, "Address exception at &" AddError UnknownIRQ, "Unknown IRQ at &" AddError BranchThrough0, "Branch through zero at &" ^ ErrorBase_EconetExceptions AddError Remoted, "Remoted" ; ***************** External authors get &00800000 upwards ******************* ^ &00800000 ; Sign here for 256 errors ErrorBase_BASICEditor # &100 ; &00800000 ErrorBase_HardCopy # &100 ; &00800100 ErrorBase_MinervaSystems # &100 ; &00800200 ErrorBase_FrameGrabber # &100 ; &00800300 Mike Harrison ErrorBase_Clares # &100 ; &00800400 ErrorBase_IntelligentInt # &100 ; &00800500 ErrorBase_AcornsoftLogo # &100 ; &00800600 ErrorBase_Resource # &100 ; &00800700 ErrorBase_MyoLink # &100 ; &00800800 L van Someren ErrorBase_SoundSampler # &100 ; &00800900 DFell ErrorBase_FFT # &100 ; &00800A00 DFell ErrorBase_Arpeggio # &100 ; &00800B00 Mike Beecher/EMR ErrorBase_FontAid # &100 ; &00800C00 CJE Micros ErrorBase_AlliedInteract # &100 ; &00800D00 ErrorBase_SharedLibrary # &100 ; &00800E00 ErrorBase_CConceptsSpell # &100 ; &00800F00 ErrorBase_CConceptsWord # &100 ; &00801000 ErrorBase_CConceptsDraw # &100 ; &00801100 ErrorBase_IntellInterf16BitPIO # &100 ; &00801200 IntellInterf12BitADC # &100 ; &00801300 IntellInterfRS423 # &100 ; &00801400 ErrorBase_AMSFinesse # &100 ; &00801500 ErrorBase_Euclid # &100 ; &00801600 Ace computing ErrorBase_Sibelius # &100 ; &00801700 Genesis E+T Ltd ErrorBase_FAXPack # &100 ; &00801800 Computer Concepts ErrorBase_CED1401Driver # &100 ; &00801900 Cambridge Electronic Design ErrorBase_AutoCue # &100 ; &00801A00 Capricorn Consultants ErrorBase_WorldMap # &100 ; &00801B00 CRFrancis world maps ErrorBase_6502Emulator # &100 ; &00801C00 SSwales ErrorBase_RGL # &100 ; &00801D00 Silicon Vision Ltd (Realtime Graphics) ErrorBase_DigiTape # &100 ; &00801E00 Digital Services Tape Streamer OPT OldOpt END