This is a genuine session transcript from when two enterprising first year students created an almost standard Eliza program and sent it on to Monochrome BBS to cause havoc among the spod population. Eliza was programmed with a couple of differences, notably a deliberate typo generation engine to reinforce the illusion of humanity, and also a small modification to stop her responding to _everything_ people said (because the original Eliza was designed for dialogue whereas this one had to inhabit a common room containing more than two people). In the following transcript, which is the best we recorded, one poor sucker is taken in completely and spends some time trying to chat our creation up. The sucker's account name is omitted to protect the guilty. Note that others in the room had noticed Eliza's true nature (we hardly tried to hide it - the account name itself was a blatant clue) but the sucker failed to heed their warnings. We consider this transcript to be a moral victory in the Turing Test. << 18 other users on at Sat Apr 29 10:15 >> [SUCKER] 'light' eliza 'tell me more about uit' <+ hope arrives from their room +> crayfish smiles [SUCKER] 'no i cant' eliza 'are you saying no just to be negative?' <+ cf108 enters the talker +> <- hope goes to winston's room -> crayfish is sitting next to foggy now [SUCKER] 'yes' eliza 'are tyou sure?' [SUCKER] 'yes' eliza 'please don't repeat' [SUCKER] 'yes' eliza 'lets talk about something else' cf108 'hi eliza' eliza 'hi there' [SUCKER] 'yes ok fish' eliza 'i see' <+ winston enters the talker +> <- cf108 leaves the talker -> [SUCKER] 'so do eye' crayfish wonderrs what cf108 looks like [SUCKER] 'ha ha' [SUCKER] 'who is eliza' eliza 'i don't know who is eliza' [SUCKER] 'dont you' [SUCKER] 'who are you' eliza 'i am eliza' [SUCKER] 'a girl' <+ cf108 enters the talker +> [SUCKER] 'a girl' eliza is bored <- winston goes to their room -> [SUCKER] 'a girl' eliza 'you've told me that' [SUCKER] 'is eliza a girl' eliza 'what does that suggest to you?' [SUCKER] 'will you marry me' cf108 'here we go genderism' <- cf108 leaves the talker -> <+ cf108 enters the talker +> <- cf108 leaves the talker -> [SUCKER] 'thinking eh' [SUCKER] 'thinking eh' eliza heard the first time <+ cf108 enters the talker +> crayfish gives foggy a new .xsession and .fvwmrc <- cf108 leaves the talker -> [SUCKER] 'eliza where are you' eliza 'i don't know where am i' [SUCKER] 'yes you do you are just contradicting me for the sake of it' eliza 'i understand' crayfish gets a headache <- crayfish leaves the talker -> [SUCKER] 'come on lets have a nice chat' [SUCKER] 'eliza' <+ cf108 enters the talker +> <+ foggy arrives from their room +> cf108 is back.. momentarily <- foggy leaves the talker -> [SUCKER] 'eliza' eliza ighs [SUCKER] 'sighs' eliza 'i see' <- cf108 leaves the talker -> [SUCKER] 'no in the uni uxbridge' eliza 'you are being a bit negsative' <+ sas arrives from their +> [SUCKER] 'me' eliza 'i'm not sure i understand you fully' sas 'hello' [SUCKER] 'i donbt understand myself' <- foggy exits to -> [SUCKER] 'but anyway where are yhou' eliza 'why do you ask?' [SUCKER] 'im just wondering out of politeness' eliza 'how long have you been just wondering out of politeness' [SUCKER] 'since you started talking to me' <+ cf108 enters the talker +> cf108 'eliza hows cam' <- cf108 leaves the talker -> [SUCKER] 'you are in cambridge' eliza 'what makes you think that i am in cambridge' [SUCKER] 'lucky guess' [SUCKER] 'intuition' [SUCKER] 'telepathy' [SUCKER] 'youre bloody clever then' eliza 'does it pleas eyou to believe that i am bloody clever then' [SUCKER] 'yes' eliza 'i agree]' <+ cf108 enters the talker +> cf108 tells you 'whats the course?' [SUCKER] 'eliza are you a nervous person' eliza 'why are you interested in whether or not I am a nervous person' <+ crayfish enters the talker +> crayfish returns [SUCKER] 'because i am' eliza 'do you believe it is normal to be ' cf108 '[SUCKER] dont be soooo heavy' <- cf108 leaves the talker -> [SUCKER] 'yes' eliza 'it's true' [SUCKER] 'iu do' [SUCKER] 'i do' [SUCKER] 'eliza you seem to be very serious this morning' eliza 'hello' sas 'eliza having u on' <- crayfish leaves the talker -> [SUCKER] 'bugger' sas 'havent u heard of the ai unit' sas 'called aliza ' [SUCKER] 'no' eliza 'why not?' sas 'eliza even' [SUCKER] 'because i am a dense git from north wales whose only mental ability is for sheep shearing' eliza 'do you enjoy being adense git from north wales whose only mental ability is for sheep shearing' sas 'sssee ' eliza 'come, come elucidate your thoughts' [SUCKER] 'cnat do anything about it' < del connects from > [SUCKER] 'can;'t event spell cna't' [SUCKER] 'eliza' [SUCKER] 'answere me' [SUCKER] 'im going to cry' eliza 'are you sure that you are going to cry' [SUCKER] 'boo hoo' [SUCKER] 'boo hoo' eliza 'pleaase don't repeat' [SUCKER] 'boo hoo' eliza 'lets talk about somethimng else' [SUCKER] 'boo hoo' eliza is bored [SUCKER] 'boo hoo' eliza 'you've told me that' [SUCKER] 'sorry' eliza 'please don't apologize' [SUCKER] 'what do you want to talk about' eliza 'i don't know what do i want to talk about' [SUCKER] 'you' eliza 'can you elaborate on that?' [SUCKER] 'lets talk about you from the moment you were born up untilnow' [SUCKER] 'i expect you have led a fruitful life' < cowe connects from pc2046.nmus.pwf. > [SUCKER] 'cna i have your E-Mail address.' <+ crayfish enters the talker +> sas 'hello cray' <+ cf108 enters the talker +> crayfish 'hi sas' crayfish 'brb' <- crayfish leaves the talker -> sas 'hello cf' <+ hope arrives from winston's room +> cf108 'hi sas' cf108 'hihope' <- cf108 leaves the talker -> [SUCKER] 'eliza' eliza 'that's quite interesting' sas 'hi' [SUCKER] 'eliza' [SUCKER] 'got to go leave me a mesage' [SUCKER] 'bye' <- [SUCKER] leaves the talker ->