Britain >East Anglia >Wickham Market Melton Saxmundham

Wickham Market

Collected date 16/02/08

Wickham Market sign

A sunny mid-February afternoon saw a visit to Wickham Market station on the East Suffolk Line. I got there from Ipswich as the evening shadows were lengthening and it was starting to get cold. The station itself is in the village of Campsea Ashe, about two miles from Wickham Market.

The front of the station building:

Wickham Market front Wickham Market front door

The front of the station building and the side, next to which is the access route to the platform:

Wickham Market front and

Detail of one of the lamps and a hanging basket on the station front:

Wickham Market basket

A long view of the station from over the road, showing the road which crosses the line to the north of the station:

Wickham Market long view

From the road bridge, looking back at the rear of the station building:

Wickham Market rear

Looking back along the line (into the sun!) from the road bridge at the station:

Wickham Market from

Looking north on the platform:

Wickham Market platform

Looking south/west on the platform:

Wickham Market platform
looking west

Although the line is now single-track at Wickham Market, the old second platform is still evident in the distance:

Wickham Market disused

Looking north/east along the line from the road bridge:

Wickham Market looking east