Britain >North East >Shireoaks Kiveton Park Whitwell Worksop


Collected date 19/09/18

Shireoaks sign

Although our holiday was based in the Sheffield area there was plenty of time to explore beyond it, such as to Shireoaks in Nottinghamshire. It's a small station with two platforms connected by a level crossing. Arriving from the north the first thing you see is the level crossing, which connects the two platforms:

Shireoaks level crossing

Immediately on the right is the signalbox, behind which a path leads to platform 2:

Shireoaks signalbox rear

The other side of the signalbox:

Shireoaks signalbox

On platform 2 looking west up the approach ramp:

Shireoaks platform 2 looking west

Looking back east towards the level crossing:

Shireoaks looking east

A building sits half way along platform 2:

Shireoaks platform 2 building

The building seen from platform 1 opposite:

Shireoaks platform 2 seen from platform 1

The building is boarded up and just provides shelter:

Shireoaks platform 2 shelter

Beyond the buildings, looking back east along platform 2:

Shireoaks platform 2 looking east

Crossing the line at the level crossing we arrive at the entrance to platform 1:

Shireoaks platform 1 entrance

A ramp leads up to platform 1:

Shireoaks platform 1 ramp

On platform 1, these small walls form a collection of enclosures:

Shireoaks walls

At the far end of platform 1, looking west along the line:

Shireoaks looking west

Looking back east at both platforms from the end of platform 1:

Shireoaks platforms looking east

Just south of the station is this building, whose bargeboards make me think it was once connected with the railway:

Shireoaks old house

The rear of the house seen from platform 1:

Shireoaks old house rear