Britain >North East >Saltaire Shipley Bingley


Collected date 16/05/10

Saltaire station sign

Saltaire was built as a model village by Titus Salt in the mid-19th Century, and is now a very well preserved world heritage site. The main thing I noticed when we were there was how utterly peaceful the place was. The current station dates from 1984, since the previous one fell victim to Beeching in the 1960s.

The entrance to platform 2:

Saltaire platform 2 entrance

Looking east along platform 2, with the tower of Salts Mill in the background:

Saltaire platform 2 looking east

Looking west along platform 2:

Saltaire platform 2 looking west

Platform 1 opposite:

Saltaire platform 1

Looking east along the line:

Saltaire looking east

The road bridge is the only connection between the two platforms. Here we look west at the station:

Saltaire from bridge looking

Lamps amidst the overhead electrification:

Saltaire lamp