Britain >South >Pokesdown Christchurch Bournemouth


Collected date 21/05/07

Pokesdown sign

Pokesdown is a small station between Bournemouth and Christchurch. The front of the station, fom the road:

Pokesdown front

The line runs in a cutting, so as at Exeter Central, the station entrance leads through the ticket office onto the footbridge, which you can just see through the door:

Pokesdown entrance

The footbridge, and the steps from it to the eastbound platform 2:

Pokesdown platform 2 steps

A gap behind the canopy on platform 2 shows perhaps where once a building or shelter stood:

Pokesdown platform 2 lack of

From the footbridge to platform 1, views eastwards along the line:

Pokesdown from footbridge,
looking east

And looking west from the footbridge:

Pokesdown from footbridge,
looking west

The footbridge, and the steps to platform 1:

Pokesdown footbridge Pokesdown platform 1 looking east

Looking east from the end of platform 1 at the rest of the station:

Pokesdown platform 1

Looking west along the line from the end of platform 1:

Pokesdown looking west