Britain >South East >Margate


Collected date 18/01/14

Margate sign

Inspired by Eliot's ability to connect nothing with nothing, I took a day trip to Margate and apart from finding a fascinating place with a mysterious shell grotto and modern art museum, I collected its station, served by HS1 trains to St. Pancras. The station frontage:

Margate front

Looking along the station frontage from its western end:

Margate front long view

The central arch:

Margate central arch

The canopy under the central arch:

Margate front canopy

The front is decorated with roundels:

Margate roundel - Invicta Margate roundel - boat Margate roundel - wings

Inside the ticket hall:

Margate ticket hall

A close up of the clock:

Margate clock

The station building backs on to platform 1. On platform 1 looking westwards:

Margate platform 1 looking west

On platform 1, looking east at platforms 1 and 2:

Margate platform 1 and 2 looking east

At the western end of platform 1, looking along the line:

Margate platform 1 looking west

Looking behind a railing on platform 1, a disused platform and canopy can be seen:

Margate disused platform from
platform 1

Back round the front of the station building, the disused canopy can be seen behind railings:

Margate disused canopy

Peeking through the twigs, the disused platform edge can be seen:

Margate disused platform

Under the canopy on platform 1, looking east:

Margate platform 1 under

At the eastern end of the station is an old water tower:

Margate water tower

A subway connects the two outside platforms to the island. Here are the steps down to said subway:

Margate platform 4 steps

On platform 4, looking west with the island platform 3 on the right:

Margate platforms 3 and 4

The building on platform 4:

Margate platform 4 building

Under the canopy on platform 4 looking west:

Margate platform 4 looking west

On the opposite side of platform 4 is another disused platform:

Margate disused platform 5