Britain >Greater Manchester >Manchester Victoria Salford Central Ashton-Under-Lyne Moston

Manchester Victoria

Collected date 13/09/16

Manchester Victoria sign

Manchester Piccadilly is the main station for long-distance services, but Victoria serves more regional destinations as well as being a hub for the Metrolink tram network. It has an old frontage, but the platform areas are dominated by the Manchester Arena over the through platforms and a modern (2015) roof over the terminating and tram platforms.

The south-east entrance to the station:

Manchester Victoria southeast front

The south-east crner of the station building which runs perpendicular to the terminating platforms:

Manchester Victoria southeast corner

The long front of the station building with the south-east corner at the far right end:

Manchester Victoria front, long view

The ironwork canopy along the front names a variety of destinations, curiously with Hull alongside Belgium and Liverpool:

Manchester Victoria frontage ironwork

Manchester Victoria front destinations

Under the canopy:

Manchester Victoria under front canopy

The centre of the front, with a clock above:

Manchester Victoria front centre

Detail of the clock:

Manchester Victoria clock

Perpendicular to the frontage is the building alongside the through platforms:

Manchester Victoria through platforms rear

Returning to the south-east corner of the building, we enter through this corridor:

Manchester Victoria southern exit

A war memorial sits in the concourse next to this entrance/exit:

Manchester Victoria war memorial

In the concourse, looking south towards the memorial and exit:

Manchester Victoria concourse south end

The exit to the front of the station building, on the right of the previous photo:

Manchester Victoria front south exit

In the concourse looking north:

Manchester Victoria concourse looking north

To the right of the previous shot, we can see the tram lines curve round to the right:

Manchester Victoria tram lines

Modern steps and a bridge lead up from the station to the adjacent Manchester Arena:

Manchester Victoria steps up to arena

Looking south at the steps with the old ticket office on the right:

Manchester Victoria concourse looking south

The wood-panelled ticket office:

Manchester Victoria wood panelled ticket office

To the north of the ticket office is the second entrance from the station front. Inside this one is a map of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, with another war memorial below:

Manchester Victoria map

At the north end of the concourse is the old refreshment room, splendidly refurbished in tiles:

Manchester Victoria refreshments

Opposite the refreshment room is a support for the arena bridge and the buffers of platforms 1 and 2:

Manchester Victoria platforms 1 and 2 buffers

Climbing up to the footbridge, looking at platforms 1 and 2, with the tram platforms on the right:

Manchester Victoria platforms 1 and 2 from the footbridge

Looking east from the footbridge for a better view of the tram platforms:

Manchester Victoria from footbridge looking east

Looking south at the tramlines as they leave the concourse:

Manchester Victoria looking south from footbridge

At the arena end of the footbridge, we can look east and see another footbridge crossing the through platforms:

Manchester Victoria eastern footbridge

Inside the arena entrance, with an exit to the main concourse and to the platforms:

Manchester Victoria arena entrance

Up on the other footbridge, looking over at the new roof:

Manchester Victoria new roof

The footbridge itself is rather less fancy:

Manchester Victoria on footbridge

The through platforms are mostly covered by the big arena building:

Manchester Victoria through platforms

Under the arena building looking westwards (on platform 6, looking at platforms 4 and 5:

Manchester Victoria platforms 4 and 5 looking west

From platform 5, looking east at the bridge:

Manchester Victoria platforms 5 and 6 bridge

The red and green steps are the entrance to platform 6 from the arena bridge:

Manchester Victoria platform 6 steps

In the gloom, looking west along platform 6:

Manchester Victoria platform 6 looking west

At the western end of platform 6 some steps lead up to another footbridge:

Manchester Victoria platform 6 western exit

The western footbridge gives a good view of the through lines as they leave the station:

Manchester Victoria looking west

The western footbridge leads to platforms 4 and 5 on the right and to this platform 3:

Manchester Victoria platform 3 looking west

The steps down from the bridge lead to this small gardenlet:

Manchester Victoria 3 steps

From platform 3 we can see into the gloom that holds platforms 4 and 5 and 6 beyond:

Manchester Victoria platform 4

Unlike those platforms platform 3 is fairly well lit and has the back of the station building:

Manchester Victoria platform 3 looking east

Looking eastwards on platform 3 across to platform 4:

Manchester Victoria platform 3 looking east

Round the corner of platform 3 we're in tiled land again, with the left luggage office:

Manchester Victoria left luggage office

With the luggage office behind us we look under the bridge to the arena with steps to platforms 4-6 in green and red ahead of us:

Manchester Victoria under the arena bridge

From this point we can look back towards the concourse and the gateline:

Manchester Victoria gateline

A view across platforms 1 and 2 under the roof:

Manchester Victoria under the roof

The other side of the gateline, showing that the old bookstall is now an information centre:

Manchester Victoria gateline other side