Britain >East Anglia >Kennett Ely Newmarket Bury St Edmunds


Collected date 31/12/12

Kennett sign

It was the last day of 2012 and I felt like getting out and doing something so I cycled the 25-odd miles from Cambridge to Kennett. It was a grey and windy day, but the wind was mostly behind me and it didn't really rain until I got on the train home!

The turnoff from the road to the station:

Kennett turn

The approach down a slightly potholed road to the station forecourt area:

Kennett approach

The station area is a mass of metal fencing and is dominated by the scaffold-constructed footbridge:

Kennett footbridge

The footbridge is temporary according to this notice, although it had evidently been there for at least ten months by this point:

Kennett footbridge notice

The small building on the northern, platform 1, side:

Kennett platform 1 building

Inside, but not looking very usable, is a toilet:

Kennett loo

The shelter on platform 1:

Kennett platform 1 shelter

On platform 1, looking east at the road bridge:

Kennett looking east

The road bridge itself, looking south along the road. The bridge is narrow so is made single-lane with traffic lights. Just beyond it is the bridge over the A14 whose noise dominates the area:

Kennett bridge

From the road bridge, looking east:

Kennett from bridge looking

Looking west at the station site from the road bridge:

Kennett from bridge looking

From the western end of platform 1 you can see where the removed foot crossing was leading to platform 2:

Kennett platform 2

Over the footbridge (not so easy with my bike!) and on platform 2, looking eastwards:

Kennett platform 2 looking east

Looking west along platform 2. The station building is out of use and completely covered in ivy. You can see the ivy-covered chimney poking up at the top:

Kennett platform 2 looking west

The doorway into the building:

Kennett platform 2 door

The platform 2 shelter, just west of the old building:

Kennett platform 2 shelter

Looking west along the line from the end of platform 2:

Kennett looking west