Britain >Midlands >Kemble Swindon Stroud


Collected date 14/05/08

Kemble station sign

It was a good thing we had plenty of time to stop and explore Kemble station, as it has a lot of features, many intact from its days as a junction rather than a through station.

The front of the station seen from the car park:

Kemble front

The canopy on the front of the station building, with the ticket office (closed at the time of our visit) in the building on the left:

Kemble front canopy

The sign on the canopy on the front of the station:

Kemble front sign

On the right of the previous photo an archway leads onto platform 1, for trains southbound towards Swindon:

Kemble platform 1

Beyond the ticket office building on the left, next to the post box, is the entrance to this concourse area:

Kemble concourse Kemble in concourse

Further along platform 1 is a gateway to this garden:

Kemble garden gate

A plaque names the garden:

Kemble hobby plaque

In the garden, looking towards the station concourse:

Kemble rear

Finally, beyond the entrance to the footbridge it is possible to see a disused platform, which was until 1965 the branch line to nearby Cirencester:

Kemble disused platform for

A view of the disused platform showing the station building and garden railings on the left:

Kemble disused platform showing

Looking north along the platform beside the garden railings:

Kemble disused platform looking

The former line to Cirencester ends at these buffers, from which we look back at the station and disused platform:

Kemble disused platform buffers

Looking southeast from the end of platform 1:

Kemble looking east

A footbridge links the two sides of the station:

Kemble platforms and footbridge

From the end of the footbridge is this view of the station building and concourse roof:

Kemble building from footbridge

Inside the footbridge:

Kemble inside footbridge

Looking southeast from the footbridge:

Kemble from footbridge east

Looking west (well, more like north) from the footbridge:

Kemble from footbridge west

On the other side of the line, on platform 2, for norhtbound trains via Stroud to Gloucester:

Kemble platform 2

Looking at the station from the southern end of platform 2:

The gate leading out from platform 2:

Kemble platform 2 gate

The car park to the rear of platform 2:

Kemble platform 2 rear

Platform 2 also has an adjacent disused platform, this one the former branch line to Tetbury. This wooden gate bars the way from platform 2:

Kemble platform 2 disused
platform entrance

The buildings on platform 2 are not used, and the doorways beyond the gate are boarded up:

Kemble disused doors

The rear of the station building on platform 2 can be seen from the car park:

Kemble platform 2 disused platform

On platform 2 the old disused platform is visible to the right:

Kemble platform 2 disused platform
looking south

Looking northwest along the line from platform 1:

kemble looking west

The water tower, at the northern end of platform 2:

Kemble water tower