Britain >Greater Manchester >Hyde North Hyde Central Guide Bridge

Hyde North

Collected date 12/09/16

Hyde North sign

Hyde North is a station which sits at the junction of two lines north of Hyde itself. To its north lies Guide Bridge and to the south it is on the line towards Hyde Central. The approach to the station is from Junction Street on the left here, with the approach road on the right:

Hyde North approach road

At the northern end of the station the lines cross the road on a tunnel-like bridge:

Hyde North tunnel

Looking into the tunnel:

Hyde North tunnel mouth

As well as the ramp, on the left in this picture, there are steps down to road level:

Hyde North steps

With the steps to our left and the ramp behind us we look at the car park:

Hyde North car park

From the car park a gate leads onto the northbound platform 1:

Hyde North platform 1 entrance

The entrance to platform 1 is next to the rather battered blue metal shelter:

Hyde North platform 1 shelter

On platform 1 we look south at the footbridge which connects the two sides of the station:

Hyde North footbridge

On the footbridge, we look north:

Hyde North looking north from footbridge

Looking south:

Hyde North looking south from footbridge

Over on platform 2 we look north along the line towards the junction:

Hyde North looking north

Peering over the fence we can see the other line:

Hyde North other line

Looking south at both platforms from the end of platform 2:

Hyde North platforms looking south

Platform 2 has a small path linking it to a small housing estate built in the vee between the two lines. Here's the exit:

Hyde North platform 2 exit

Looking up the path leading away from platform 2:

Hyde North platform 2 exit path