Britain >North East >Hull Hessle


Collected date 25/08/12

Hull sign

Although my brother lives there I've usually driven to Hull so I'd not got off a train at its station before this year, when I stopped off at Hull on my way back south from Scotland.

The front of the station is at its east end, and has a covered area wrapping the station building:

Hull front

At the south end of the station's frontage is the old ticket hall, with its wooden pannelling:

Hull old tickets Hull old tickets side

The northern side of the station opens into a bus station, just beyond this wooden building providing a small shop:

Hull wooden building

The building has this plaque:

Hull plaque

Looking west into a filled-in area used as a car park:

Hull parking

The big central building is a waiting room:

Hull central building

A statue of Philip Larkin was unveiled at the station in 2010:

Hull statue of Philip Larkin

Looking south at the southern exit from the concourse:

Hull south door

Looking north along the concourse:

Hull looking north

Out on the platforms, in this case platform 4, looking west towards the end of the trainshed:

Hull platform 4 looking west

On platform 5, looking back eastwards towards the concourse:

Hull platform 5 looking east

Out in the open air, looking east back at the trainshed:

Hull platforms looking east

To the station's north a bus interchange has been added, nestling up to the final span of the trainshed roof:

Hull bus interchange

A canopy extends out beyond the trainshed for platforms 2, 3, and 4:

Hull platforms 2, 3, and 4 canopy