Britain >East Anglia >Hertford East Ware

Hertford East

Collected date 14/01/06

Hertford East sign

Hertford East is one of two stations in Hertford. The other is Hertford North, on the Great Northern line between London Kings Cross and Cambridge.

The station building is elaborate, with two portes cochères:

Hertford East building

The front of the station:

Hertford East front Hertford East entrance

The side entrance and the retaining wall of the platform on this side of the station:

Hertford East side porte
cochère Hertford East side porte
cochère Hertford East retaining wall

The front station entrance opens into the booking office, with its wooden fittings and moulded ceiling:

Hertford East booking

Beyond the booking office is the small concourse area, here looking out of the side entrance:

Hertford East concourse

Platform 1, seen from the concourse:

Hertford East platform 1

Looking at the buffers of what was once a centre road:

Hertford East buffers

Platform 2, seen from the concourse:

Hertford East platform 2

Underneath the canopy on platform 2, looking towards the station building:

Hertford East canopy

The station building seen from platform 2:

Hertford East seen from platform 2

Looking eastwards back along the line from platform 2:

Hertford East, looking east