Britain >East Anglia >Cambridge North Cambridge Waterbeach

Cambridge North

Collected date 21/05/17

Cambridge North sign

A while ago a friend sent me some pictures of the planned Chesterton station. I'd been looking forward to this station being built as it's very close to where I live.

The approach to the station from Milton Road to the west:

Chesterton approach

The station complex from the south. A Featureless Trains service has just arrived at platform 3:

Chesterton from the south

The station buildings:

Chesterton buildings

The station eventually opened with the name Cambridge North. Here's the approach to the station from the guided busway spur:

Cambridge north approach

The front of the station building faces a square with benches and bins:

Cambridge North front

To the south of the station building is the bike shed, which has solar panels on the roof:

Cambridge North side

The station building has a small concourse area with ticket machines, and a gateline:

Cambridge North concourse

Looking out from the concourse under the footbridge:

Cambridge North under footbridge

A lift (and a curious bench where one can watch people arriving and departing by lift) leads from the concourse to the footbridge, as well as the steps up on the left:

Cambridge North lift

The footbridge has glass panels in front of the "rule 30" cladding:

Cambridge North inside the footbridge

A view of the footbridge's outside, looking towards platform 3:

Cambridge North footbridge

Steps (and of course a lift, behind us) lead down to platforms 2 and 3:

Cambridge North platforms 2 and 3 steps

Platforms 2 and 3 form an island, between platform 3 (which is a terminus for trains from the south) and the north-bound platform 2:

Cambridge North platforms 2 and 3 exit

Over the way is the rear of the station building:

Cambridge North rear

Platform 2 adjacent to the station building:

Cambridge North platform 2

Looking north along platforms 2 and 3:

Cambridge North looking north on platforms 2 and 3

On platform 3, looking south towards the station buildings and footbridge:

Cambridge North looking south on platforms 2 and 3

North of the end of platform 3 are the buffers, with the lines to the aggregates depot on the left:

Cambridge North buffers

Looking north along the main line:

Cambridge North looking north

On platform 2, looking back south towards the station buildings:

Cambridge North from north

Platform 1 on the left is the main up (London-bound) platform:

Cambridge North platform 1 looking south

Back to the station buildings we look north at the end of the canopy on the island platforms 2 and 3:

Cambridge North platforms 2 and 3 canopy

From the southern end of platform 2, looking south towards the level crossing and river bridge:

Cambridge North looking south at level crossing and bridge

Over another stretch of footbridge to platform 1:

Cambridge North platforms 1 and 2 looking south

Looking north from the end of platform 1 at the footbridges and other platforms:

Cambridge North platforms looking niorth

Looking south along the line:

Cambridge north looking south