Britain >Midlands >Bourne End Marlow Cookham

Bourne End

Collected date 29/04/12

Bourne End sign

Bourne End is the truncated end of a line to High Wycombe which is now just an intermediate station on the line to Marlow where the train has to reverse. I had to hang around for a few minutes while driver and conductor changed ends and tokens were fiddled with before the train was out of the station.

The front (north) side of the station building:

Bourne End front

Although the building has a waiting room and ticket office, it was closed on this particular drizzly Saturday. The entrance to the platforms is round the side of the building:

Bourne End side

The rear of the station building:

Bourne End rear

Behind the buffers, looking west. Most trains use platform 1, on the right, but there are some peak trains that don't continue to Marlow and use platform 2:

Bourne End from buffers looking

Looking east along the former line:

Bourne End looking east

The less used platform, platform 2:

Bourne End platform 2

Looking east at the station building and platforms:

Bourne End platforms looking east

Looking west, with the branch to Marlow disappearing to the right:

Bourne End looking west