Great Britain: BR loco numbers

Number schemes: 1948 nos., 1957 nos., TOPS

Wikipedia - BR numbering and classification articles: loco classes, loco and MU numbering, carriage and wagon (includes MU vehicles)

1948 Nos

19481957TOPSTOPS nos.Notes
10000 - 10001none nonewithdrawn pre-TOPSex-LMS main-line
10100 none nonewithdrawn pre-TOPSbuilt for LM Region
10201 - 10202none nonewithdrawn pre-TOPSbuilt for Southern Region
10203 none nonewithdrawn pre-TOPSbuilt for Southern Region
10800 none nonewithdrawn pre-TOPSbuilt for LM Region
11001 none nonewithdrawn pre-TOPSbuilt for Southern Region
11100 - 11103D2200 - D220304 withdrawn pre-TOPS 
11104 none nonewithdrawn pre-TOPSbuilt for Southern Region
11105 - 11115D2204 - D221404 withdrawn pre-TOPS 
11116 - 11120D2500 - D2504nonewithdrawn pre-TOPs 
11121 - 11135D2215 - D222904 withdrawn pre-TOPS 
11136 - 11143D2550 - D255705 survivor 11140 = D2554 = 05001 
11144 - 11148D2505 - D2509nonewithdrawn pre-TOPS 
11149 - 11160D2230 - D224104 withdrawn pre-TOPS 
11161 - 11176D2558 - D257305 withdrawn pre-TOPS 
11177 - 11186D2400 - D240905 withdrawn pre-TOPSdifferent design to main 05 batch
11212 - 11229D2242 - D225904 withdrawn pre-TOPS 
11500 - 11502D2950 - D2952nonewithdrawn pre-TOPS 
11503 - 11506D2953 - D295601 survivors 01001 - 01002 in order 
11507 - 11508D2957 - D2958nonewithdrawn pre-TOPS 
11700 - 11707D2700 - D2707nonewithdrawn pre-TOPS 
11708 - 11719D2708 - D2719nonewithdrawn pre-TOPS 
12000 - 12001none nonewithdrawn pre-TOPSex-LMS 7074, 7076
12002 none nonewithdrawn pre-TOPSex-LMS 7079
12003 - 12032none nonewithdrawn pre-TOPSex-LMS 7080-7099, 7110-7119
12033 - 12138none 11 withdrawn pre-TOPS12033-12044 ex-LMS 7120-7131
13000 - 13116D3000 - D311608 survivors 08001 - 08091 in order 
13117 - 13126D3117 - D3126nonewithdrawn pre-TOPS 
13127 - 13136D3127 - D313608 08092 - 08101 in order 
13137 - 13151D3137 - D315110 withdrawn pre-TOPS 
13152 - 13166D3152 - D3166nonewithdrawn pre-TOPS 
13167 - 13366D3167 - D336608 survivors 08102 - 08296 in order 
15000 - 15003none nonewithdrawn pre-TOPSex-LNER 8000-8003
15004 none nonewithdrawn pre-TOPSbuilt for Eastern Region
15097 - 15099none nonewithdrawn pre-TOPSbuilt for Eastern Region
15100 none nonewithdrawn pre-TOPSex-GWR 2
15101 - 15106none nonewithdrawn pre-TOPSbuilt for Western Region
15107 none nonewithdrawn pre-TOPSbuilt for Western Region
15201 - 15203none nonewithdrawn pre-TOPSex-SR 1-3
15211 - 15236none 12 withdrawn pre-TOPSbuilt for Western Region
18000 none nonewithdrawn pre-TOPSgas turbine, built for Western Region
18100 none nonewithdrawn pre-TOPSgas turbine, built for Western Region, rebuilt to E1000
20001 - 20003none 70 withdrawn pre-TOPS20001, 20002 ex-SR CC 1, CC 2
26000 - 26057none 76 survivors 76001 - 76057 retaining last 3 digitsclass EM1
26500 - 26501none nonewithdrawn pre-TOPSclass ES1; ex-NER 1-2, LNER 6480-6481
26502 - 26511none nonewithdrawn pre-TOPSclass EB1; ex-NER 3-12, LNER 6490-6499
26600 none nonewithdrawn pre-TOPSclass EE1; ex-NER 13, LNER 6999
27000 - 27006none 77 withdrawn pre-TOPSclass EM2; survivors NS 1501-1506 out of order

1957 Nos. ('D' nos.)

1957TOPSTOPS nos.Notes
D1 - D10 44 44001 - 44010 in order 
D11 - D137 45 45001 - 45077, 45101 - 45150 randomly 
D138 - D193 46 46001 - 46056 in order 
D200 - D399 40 40122, 40001 - 40121, 40123 - 40199 in order 
D400 - D449 50 50050, 50001 - 50049 in order 
D600 - D604 41? withdrawn pre-TOPS 
D800 - D832 42 not carried 
D833 - D865 43 not carried 
D866 - D870 42 not carried 
D1000 - D1073 52 not carried 
D1100 - D1111 47 47298, 47518 - 47528 in order 
D1200 53 not carriedFalcon; previously D0280
D1500 - D1999 47 47001 - 47299, 47301 - 47381, 47401 - 47552 out of order 
D2000 - D2199 03 survivors 03004 - 03197 retaining last 3 digits 
D2200 - D2341 04 withdrawn pre-TOPSD2341 previously DS1173
D2370 - D2399 03 03370 - 03399 retaining last 3 digits 
D2400 - D2409 05 withdrawn pre-TOPSdifferent design to main 05 batch
D2410 - D2444 06 survivors 06001 - 06010 in order 
D2500 - D2519 nonewithdrawn pre-TOPS 
D2550 - D2618 05 survivor D2554 = 05001 
D2700 - D2707 nonewithdrawn pre-TOPS 
D2708 - D2780 nonewithdrawn pre-TOPS 
D2850 - D2869 02 survivors 02001 - 02004 in order 
D2900 - D2913 nonewithdrawn pre-TOPS 
D2950 - D2952 nonewithdrawn pre-TOPS 
D2953 - D2956 01 survivors 01001 - 01002 in order 
D2957 - D2958 nonewithdrawn pre-TOPS 
D2985 - D2998 07 07001 - 07014 in order 
D2999 nonewithdrawn pre-TOPS 
D3000 - D3116 08 survivors 08001 - 08091 in order 
D3117 - D3126 nonewithdrawn pre-TOPS 
D3127 - D3136 08 08092 - 08101 in order 
D3137 - D3151 10 withdrawn pre-TOPS 
D3152 - D3166 nonewithdrawn pre-TOPS 
D3167 - D3438 08 survivors 08102 - 08368 in order 
D3439 - D3453 10 withdrawn pre-TOPS 
D3454 - D3472 08 08369 - 08387 in order 
D3473 - D3502 10 withdrawn pre-TOPS 
D3503 - D3611 08 08388 - 08496 in order 
D3612 - D3651 10 withdrawn pre-TOPS 
D3652 - D3664 08 08497 - 08509 in order 
D3665 - D3671 09 09001 - 09007 in order 
D3672 - D3718 08 survivors 08510 - 08554 in order 
D3719 - D3721 09 09008 - 09010 in order 
D3722 - D4048 08 survivors 08555 - 08880 in order 
D4049 - D4094 10 withdrawn pre-TOPS 
D4095 - D4098 08 08881 - 08884 in order 
D4099 - D4114 09 09011 - 09026 in order 
D4115 - D4192 08 survivors 08885 - 08958 in order 
D4500 - D4502 13 13001 - 13003 in orderrebuilt from pairs of 08s
D5000 - D5150 24 24001 - 24150 retaining last 3 digits, except D5000 → 24005 
D5151 - D5299 25 25001 - 25149 in order 
D5300 - D5346 26 26001 - 26046 mostly retaining last 2 digits 
D5347 - D5415 27 27001 - 27044, 27101 - 27123 mostly in order in subclass 
D5500 - D5699 31 31001 - 31018, 31101 - 31269, 31401 - 31419 mostly in order in subclass 
D5700 - D5719 28 withdrawn pre-TOPS 
D5800 - D5862 31 31270 - 31327, 31413 - 31417 mostly in order in subclass 
D5900 - D5909 23 withdrawn pre-TOPS 
D6100 - D6157 21 withdrawn pre-TOPSsome re-engined to class 29
D6300 - D6357 22 withdrawn pre-TOPS 
D6500 - D6585 33 survivors 33001 - 33065, 33101 - 33119 in order in subclasses 
D6586 - D6597 33 33201 - 33212 in order 
D6600 - D6608 37 37300 - 37308 in order 
D6700 - D6999 37 37119, 37001 - 37118, 37283, 37120 - 37282, none, 37284 - 37299 in order 
D7000 - D7100 35 withdrawn pre-TOPS? 
D7500 - D7677 25 25150 - 25327 in order 
D8000 - D8199 20 retained last 3 digits, except D8000 → 20050, D8050 → 20128, D8128 → 20228 
D8200 - D8243 15 withdrawn pre-TOPS 
D8300 - D8327 20 20200 - 20227 in order 
D8400 - D8409 16 withdrawn pre-TOPS 
D8500 - D8616 17 withdrawn pre-TOPS 
D9000 - D9021 55 retained last 3 digits, except D9000 → 55022 
D9500 - D9555 14 withdrawn pre-TOPS 
E1000 nonerenumbered to E2000 
E2000 nonewithdrawn pre-TOPS 
E3001 - E3023 81 survivors 81001 - 81020 in order 
E3024 - E3035 83 83001 - 83012 in order 
E3036 - E3045 84 84001 - 84010 in order 
E3046 - E3055 82 survivors 82001 - 82008 in order 
E3056 - E3095 85 85001 - 85040 in order 
E3096 - E3097 81 81021 - 81022 in order 
E3098 - E3100 83 83013 - 83015 in order 
E3101 - E3200 86 86001 - 86039, 86201 - 86252 randomly 
E5000 - E5023 71 survivors 71001 - 71014 in renumbered order 
E6001 - E6049 73 survivors 73001 - 73006, 73101 - 73142 in order 
E6101 - E6110 74 74001 - 74010 in order 


01D2953 - D295611503 - 11506 
02D2850 - D2869  
03D2000 - D2199, D2370 - D2399  
04D2200 - D234111100 - 11229 with gapswithdrawn pre-TOPS
05D2550 - D261811136 - 11176 with gaps 
06D2410 - D2444  
07D2985 - D2998  
08D3000 - D4192 with gaps13000 - 13336 with gaps 
09D3665 - D4114 with gaps  
10D3137 - D4094 with gaps withdrawn pre-TOPS
11 12033 - 12138withdrawn pre-TOPS
12 15211 - 15236withdrawn pre-TOPS
13D4500 - D4502 rebuilt from pairs of 08s
14D9500 - D9555 withdrawn pre-TOPS
15D8200 - D8243 withdrawn pre-TOPS
16D8400 - D8409 withdrawn pre-TOPS
17D8500 - D8616 withdrawn pre-TOPS
20D8000 - D8199, D8300 - D8327  
21D6100 - D6157 some re-engined to class 29; withdrawn pre-TOPS
22D6300 - D6357 withdrawn pre-TOPS
23D5900 - D5909 "baby Deltic"; withdrawn pre-TOPS
24D5000 - D5150  
25D5151 - D5299, D7500 - D7677  
26D5300 - D5346  
27D5347 - D5415  
28D5700 - D5719 withdrawn pre-TOPS
31D5500 - D5699, D5800 - D5862 re-engined from class 30
33D6500 - D6597  
35D7000 - D7100 withdrawn pre-TOPS?
37D6700 - D6999, D6600 - D6608  
40 D200 - D399  
41? D600 - D604 withdrawn pre-TOPS
42 D800 - D832, D866 - D870 TOPS nos. not carried
43 D833 - D865 TOPS nos. not carried
44 D1 - D10  
45 D11 - D137  
46 D138 - D193  
47D1500 - D1999, D1100 - D1111  
50 D400 - D449  
52D1000 - D1073 TOPS nos. not carried
53D1200 Falcon; previously D0280; TOPS no. not carried
55D9000 - D9021  
70 20001 - 20003withdrawn pre-TOPS
71E5000 - E5023 some converted to class 74
73E6001 - E6049  
74E6101 - E6110 converted from class 71
76 26000 - 26057class EM1
77 27000 - 27006class EM2; withdrawn pre-TOPS
81E3001 - E3023, E3096 - E3097  
82E3046 - E3055  
83E3024 - E3035, E3098 - E3100  
84E3036 - E3045  
85E3056 - E3095  
86E3101 - E3200  

Last update: 2023-03-19 18:32 GMT