Piled Higher and Deeper Right. Fifty thousand words in thirty days. Here we go. Front door locked, phone off the hook, internet connection disabled. All hatches well and truly battened. Hrm, maybe I should just check my voicemail one last time... So. Woolly socks applied to keep my feet toasty. Earplugs on standby to block out the upstairs neighbour's budgies. Kitchen stocked with Lucozade, vitamins and copious amounts of soup. God, I sound like I'm in Trainspotting. At least I haven't resorted to buckets. Ooh, actually, I think I've had too much tea... That's better. Now then. Text books: check. Notepad: check. Lucky coffee mug: check. Right, let's get started. Fifty thousand words to go. Oka-ay. Shouldn't be too difficult. Introduction. In-tro-duuuuuuction. In-trooooo-duction... Hrm, let's think about this logically. If my calculations are correct, that's one thousand, six hundred and sixty six point six recurring words per day. Woah, freaky. Number of the beast. OK, so twenty-four hours in a day, each sixty minutes long. That gives one thousand four hundred and forty minutes in a day. Wow, that works out as less than a word a minute. No problem... Hang on, I'm forgetting something here. Oh yes, I must make sure I get my beauty sleep. Doctor's orders and all that. Speaking of which, I should allow an hour for yoga. And twenty minutes for a quick shower. Plus five minutes for teeth brushing and flossing twice a day. Argh, my brain hurts. When's Eastenders on...? Now, where was I? Oh, yes. One thousand six hundred and sixty-six words in...let's say twelve hours. That's one hundred and thirty-eight word per hour, or just over two words per minute. Easy peasy. Ow, my wrists are sore today. Maybe I overdid the yoga. OK, let's pencil in a wrist break...say, ten minutes per hour. So now we're looking at one hundred and sixty-six words each hour, or nearly three an minute. Should be doable. Gosh, it's getting kind of dark. Yawn. Is that the time? Might as well et a good night's sleep and start bright and fresh in the morning... Right. Fifty thousand words in twenty-nine days...