It was the year when they finally immanentized the gingerbread.

Part I: The Eye in the Pyramid. Gingerbread recipe taken from Never Whistle While You're Baking by Hagbard Celine. The gingerbread was cut into 9" equilateral triangles, which expanded to 10" when baked, as well as losing all claim to be called 'equilateral' or even 'triangles'. Judicious slicing with a sharp knife got them back into shape, and the icing to cement the joins covered a multitude of sins.

Also shown in the photo are (from back of table): flapjacks, ginger cake, coconut macaroons.

Part II: The Golden Apple. The apples in question are made of marzipan (of course), with tiny splinters of chocolate as the stalks. The biscuits are just spare gingerbread -- it's a very generous recipe!

Also shown in this photo (but not the previous one because it was still in the fridge): chocolate and lime tart.

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